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Am I The Only One Sick Of The News?

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generally speaking I wish the media would be tried for treason. Most of their "important" stories put our soldiers in more danger.

While I tend to agree, all the info. anyone may want is much more easily accessible than the news.

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the news doesnt put any emphasis on anything good going on with the war or really anything, its kind of a downer. the news usually shows the bad side of most situations by criticizing or reporting death, as opposed to accomplishments or things like that. if they reported on things like people saving others or anything that focused on the good in people like our soldiers helping citizens and such in Iraq, itd be much better.

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Sean, I do mostly go online for my news... not sure why I changed to the news... probably because at 4AM nothing is on, amazing how one can have 835 channels and nothing on. ;)

I know whatcha mean.

What amazes me even more is that there are times when none of the billions of web pages out there are entertaining.

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Main stream media seems to like reporting only things that sell copy. Like death, controversy, and plight. It's so unbalanced that to any logical person it's nearly ridiculous.

And yes, when they report on a secret terrorist money-tracking program, that's treason.

What, they think they have carte-blanche to walk the halls of the Pentagon and spy with impunity in the name of the people to uncover any and all secrets. Just goes to show they're stupid too.

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Main stream media seems to like reporting only things that sell copy. Like death, controversy, and plight. It's so unbalanced that to any logical person it's nearly ridiculous.

And yes, when they report on a secret terrorist money-tracking program, that's treason.

Pain sells. The Republicans keep calling it the liberal media, but when Clinton was in office, you never heard that. Media was bashing on him then, but you never heard the Republicans complaining about the media at that time.

As for reporting on secrets, the White House and Pentagon need to fix their own leaks and not blame the media for reporting on them. Reporters don't walk into a room somewhere, open a file cabinet and start reading Top Secret documents. Someone in a trusted position is giving out that information. Nail that person to the wall, otherwise the leaks aren't going to stop.

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i stoped watching the news years ago and im only 19..... 2001 i think, after 9/11, since then the only news i watch is the kind that pops up on the top of the forum, i.e. VS news, or a few of the other sites i belong to. even local news is sad and gets you down. when some thing good does happen your hear about it from friends or co-workers. the news is just a black hole that sucks everything in cept light.....

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