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Jason will hit on anything with two legs and boobs. including carson if he lost a leg. or two.


Neagtive rampart, I have high standards... that is why I hardly ever get laid, even here in So-Cal ;)

The girl has to FINE for me to hit it, if I am going to deal with their bullshit drama I want something good to look at while I listen to them ramble.

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my friend is going to USC this year, his name is adam byers, probly the most chill and laid back kid you will ever know, look him up next year. theres a possibility ill be out there in the future to visit my cali girl, so thatd be straight to see more then one cali girl haha

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Neagtive rampart, I have high standards... that is why I hardly ever get laid, even here in So-Cal ;)

The girl has to FINE for me to hit it, if I am going to deal with their I'm dumb drama I want something good to look at while I listen to them ramble.


pretty true i guess....

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my friend is going to USC this year, his name is adam byers, probly the most chill and laid back kid you will ever know, look him up next year. theres a possibility ill be out there in the future to visit my cali girl, so thatd be straight to see more then one cali girl haha


LA has this way of making the chillest ppl fukt in the head though. it might be the constant risk of being mugged at gunpoint. or the constant debauchery. great education...once you get past the GE's. i'm about to be a senior and have yet to get mugged, but looking back on the first two years, i wonder how i survived...binge drinking, excessive tree smoking (ROOR ftw), raving (most volvo owners probably aren't into this sort of thing, but hey...rolls happen. tell adam about www.monstermassive.com...pretty much the best massive in socal...not to promote brain killage), perscription drux.

yeah a lot happens at usc...but hey, i kept scholarship, found a great sugar momma who puts up with my immoral ways, have made decent friends via fraternity (my true friends are still from hs).

usc/LA also seems to have its way of making people racist...racism is the uber uncool in my humble opinion.

ramble ramble..

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Have to say...after living in Vegas 4 years and Cali for 5...I travelled back home to the Midwest and wondered how I ever thought any of those women were hot.

I came to Cali with the yellow fever and ended up marrying a Mexican. Gotta love diversity and options. CA is like the World Buffet of quality selection!

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i'm in an asian interest based fraternity at usc...although we have a couple black kids, whiteys, mixed, etc...

if you have yellow fever you should come party with our sister sorority. all sorts of norcal, socal, hong kong, japan, ktown type beetches there. all are closet freaks.

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:blink: Two pages and the only pic is Jason's? You should be ashamed!

So, she's from Beverly Hills area, blonde, cheerleader... and loyal? Not to you, sir. To those green flat things, and the art of peeling them away from the men that own them. Salute!

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