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8" Subwoofer Choices


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I didn't want to bring up the W7, but since it's entered the thread, I think it's a monster as far as 8s go. It's taller than the cone is wide and weighs about as much as one of my 15s. :lol:

Your amp will do 3 ohms no problem. It'll put out about 750 watts (RMS? I'm not sure if what you PM'd me was imaginary or RMS) at 3 ohms. If it's RMS you'll have tons of head room, which is nice. I'd feel safe giving an 8W7 400-450 RMS, too, so even if the amp only puts out 400 RMS (estimate from 750 peak) you'll still be good to go.

Part of what you're buying with the sub is the W7 name, even still, this is one of my favorite series of subs. :tup:.

The Pioneers are so-so. I heard one 12 and wasn't really impressed, but it did good enough. There's a lot of inverted subs out on the market right now. Audiobahn has those piston drivers that look fairly good on paper, though, I haven't heard them yet. I don't think they come in 8s yet, but the 10 has a 3 and change depth and the 12 has a 4 inch dept, IIRC. Critical Mass has a goofy looking, IMO, slim series out, too.

One thing to keep in mind with these shallow mounts is the smaller the enclosure volume, the more power is required for the same effect. It's almost an inverse relationship, actually. Cutting your space in half will require almost double the power.

yeah, so the amp will run 3ohm no problem??? that's good to know also. 8w7 isn't out of the question...only drawback is the size....like you said, the damn thing is so long, so it'll stick so far out....any problems facing this twd the front of the car?

I'm pretty much good to go on the Solo Baric S8L7 since it can handle some power, and the size is pretty much within limits.....I'm planning on using about a 11x8x5 or 6 enclosure, so I'd need something that hits HARD, but fits.

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Make sure you buy the Kicker from a place that you KNOW will help you out if you get a warranty issue. That means, stay away from the Hong Kong Ebay sellers, etc. I have had a few of the sqaures go out for warranty. Their amps aren't like they used to be, either, but I haven't had any amps come back to me, though.

It's a nice little sub, but you'll just want to make sure you're covered, just in case.

If you want a price LMK. We're an authorized Kicker retailer. I can get JL, too, but not factory direct. Since it's through distrobution, I'm not able to beat out everyone on JL like I can with other stuff.

Also, a little speaker grill is easy to make. There's a lot of factory and aftermarket stuff available, also. I wouldn't worry about a grill solution at all.

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Narrowed down to Kicker S8L7 or JL Audio 8W7-3

Just waiting on pricing from Adam, and a couple of other things...I'm going to buy one of these by the beginning of next week, unless some miraculous sub choice is thrown my way.

Kicker pros:

Size good, power handling good, reputable company, and Adam can get a nice price on it I hope

Kicker cons:

it's square (personal problem here)

JL pros:

Great reputation and performance, extreme power handling capability

JL cons:

Size, Adam can't hook it up on JL like he can with Kicker

I guess I should start a poll, though I'm pretty sure the JL would win because of capability and name.

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Darn straight JL would win. Kicker may stand a chance but I think there's a bias opinion about JL.

Well im my area JL is like Honduhs everyone has them and just think that there is Nothing Better

Im not saying there no good just i think a little over rated

Hell even the rednecks have them there in there Mud Truck's :P

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Both companies make a quality product, but the JL sub is definitely capable of more power, and the power ratings they give their subs are proven to be accurate, not overrated, and sometimes even underrated.

As for Kicker, I've heard the power ratings are pretty accurate, but usually a bit inflated.

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Both companies make a quality product, but the JL sub is definitely capable of more power, and the power ratings they give their subs are proven to be accurate, not overrated, and sometimes even underrated.

As for Kicker, I've heard the power ratings are pretty accurate, but usually a bit inflated.

My brother has 2 12"L7's powered by a PPI Power Class 2600 each with dual 4ohm coils and when they hit it hurts

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another disadvantage on the kicker is that the cutout is square, so incase I do decide to change woofers, I'd have to make a new box or something.....

Yeah, i don't recommend those subs for you.

Gage, what car are your brother's subs in and how big is the box? Ported? Sealed?

All these will affect the output of the subs. Just cuz they're loud in one car, doesn't mean they'll be as loud in another.

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