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Jonbenet Ramsey Theories


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here's a f'in idea...who the hell cares...how many kids die every day in 3rd world countires...who gives a ish

I'm glad someone said it. Never mind 3rd world countries how about our own where too many little girls are raped and murdered because some weirdo's can't keep it in their pants. The media conglomerate is wasting millions of dollars by flying their people into Boulder and Thiland and wasting time doing research for one little girl's death.

There are far more creepier people out there than John Karr who are much easier to catch and prove their guilt. How about we go after them. All this coverage on one case makes me sick.

edit: I don't mean to take away from Ramsey's death. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my own child to murder but I just think the media is wasting their... no our time. I'm sorry I wasted my own to comment about it.

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the news says he has been obsessed with the case for years. my theory on John Karr: he made it his reality to be the killer and now thinks he is.

my theory on the case: the original cops f-ed it up so we may never really know who did it. although, i know if i was the father, i would want to know who killed my daughter, no matter how long it took.

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here's a f'in idea...who the hell cares...how many kids die every day in 3rd world countires...who gives a ish about some douche bag family who killed their kid because she was giving them mouth....


So by your super-genius logic, all kids that die here aren't worth a damn because so many other country's kids die.

Pure genius. Maybe you should adopt a kid from a third world country and put your money where your mouth is. Oh, too busy tuning your 850 and seeing movies? Yeah, me too. Too bad kids! Good luck with the UN rice. Jerk.

Back on topic. Jon Benet was an exploited little girl. I think its safe to say those kiddie beauty pagents are a blight on society. I agree with Unijoe that this monster got a free ticket out out Thailand where he supposedly was about to be arrested for molestation over there. What a jerk. I hope we nail him hard in CA for his prioir. Poor Colorado DA just can't stop fucking this up.

As far as theories, Jon Benet had skin/DNA under her fingernails. This should match the killer's DNA by all reasonable logic. Of course if its a setup, that skin could have been planted there.

My gut tells me it was possibly the Mom who had to be sadistic just to put her daughter through those pagents all the time. OR the Dad who approved of all this and could've been a secret petiphile.

A GREAT website and write up on ALL that is known is here.

BE CAREFUL this site is really addicting and interesting.

Edited by RAzOR
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did i say that? no? my point was that they pay special attention to this case for what reason? because she was in child pagents?

riiiiighhht that makes sense to me...how about they highlight all the rape cases, child abuse e/t/c in this country?

i was using 3rd world countries as an example because the only time you hear about their deaths is on those charity scam info-mercials

even NPR treads lighty outside of the country ;)

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I've really gotten into this case.

THIS IS THE BEST write up on the case. Pretty short and complete and points squarely at Patsy Ramsey killing JonBenet accidentally in a fit of rage and staging the sexual asault and ransom as a cover. Really well done.

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