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Ok, when I am driving fearly often the sound system starts making this very loud buzzing, it does it cause of right turns, bumps, and hard acceleration, it stops when I hit another bump or stop the hard right or put the clutch in. It is very loud, and I can still bearly hear the music under it. it comes from all the speakers and is the same loudness no matter what I have the volume at. It also does it weather playing radio or CDs. Any ideas? I really want to fix this, The stereo is stock.



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Stock radio, in a T-5R (I think it says that in the original post)

I did part out a car, but it was not mine. I still have my T-5R and it is great. I also still have the vette, but I have 2 people coming to look at it. So cross fingers.

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Could be bad solder joint in HU or amp. Hit a bump and a gap opens in the circuit which acts as an antenna recieving RF into the circuit. Hit another bump and the circuit closes again and the noise goes away. Could be a major hassle to diagnose.

Get a replacement HU from a boneyard just to see if the problem goes away?

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Have you pulled the raido out to see if anybody had ever wired in something else?

Look for any exposed wires. If there are exposed wires that can come in contact with the chassis, that could be it.

It really sounds like a grounding issue.

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That's a short circuit! Not quite the same as a grounding issue. A short would kill the thing dead real fast. The more I think about this, the more I think it is probably internal to the HU, cold solder joint, broken foil on PC board. Not easy to find w/o lots of electronic tech type experience.

Volvo has had a replacement program on some of these HU due to massive CD failures. Your old unit and $125.00 got you a rebuilt HU. I don't know if this offer is still in effect.

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If your system has an external amp (some stock do) check the connections and wires there. If the ground connection between those opens, the chassis ground will cause ground loop noises exactly like that. It will also happen if the audio ground is shorted with the chassis ground. If it turns out to be your HU, contact me, I may be interested in buying it if you replace it.

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