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Just How Far Would You Drive For A Meet?


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so as the title says how far would you drive for a meet seriously

up to an hour

between 1 and 3 hours

between 3 and 5 hours

5+ hours


screw that gas is like $4 a gallon, dang i'll check out the pics later on the web and ps my a$$ in there

i know what u are thinking but f^ck a poll

moving on........................

i've seen a bunch of times that people have tried to get something going and people chump out at the last minute, just trying to determine why

maybe lack of participation, not enuff naked ladies, my car is running like crap etc

i know when they do go down well, everyone has a good time

and what makes the NWC so cultlike, how come they can do it? hypnosis? water treatment? a crack incentive?

and what would sway your decision

ok talk amongst yourselves

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I drove 2200 miles round trip for the IPD show last year, that being said, I would drive across the country if I had the time off, hell I wanted to go to Gregs Butternut meet :)
A few of us from the NWC have driven down to San Jose for a meet last year, and one did it twice!

Jason has probaby has the current distance record though.

I have driven over 6 hours for a meet that only lasted about 3 hours. We have had meets were we drove 1.5 hours to the meet and another 2 hours during the meet! :lol:

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NWC is a very small place actually, that's why they can come together more than other areas. It's like Seattle, Portland, and that Canadian city. They are all within 2 hours of each other.

SoCal is basically all of CA, Nevada, and AZ....2-8 hours depending

NE is like freakin NY, MA, MD, DC, PA, etc...god knows how long it is between all these places

SE, no one really cares.

Midwest is well, like the entire center of America.....Just to get from El Paso to Dallas is 10 hours.

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It really depends, if its an overnightmeet. I would drive like 6 hours. If it was only for a day I wouldn't want to go much more then 3. However, NJ is a pretty good epicenter there between NYC and Philly. Equidistant between the York, PA guys as well as the MA guys. Sounds like a Darn good spot for NEC meets to me. Plus we have been getting pretty good local turn outs for our meets anyway. Swing by and check us out some time! I'll try to scheduale another one for sometime in September.

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I'd pretty much drive any distance to a meet if I had the time off.
same, i've got time.

i'd also drive to the nwc for a nice size meet (not a mall lot lol). the big meet coming up is the lake tahoe meet, which is only 5 hours away from me.

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