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Just How Far Would You Drive For A Meet?


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2-3 hours for a local meet; more for a bigger (i.e. national) meet. For instance, I am looking at about five hours each way for the VCOA nationals at Lake Placid; but this will be the first national I have attended, and it's a two + day gig, so I'm looking at it as a mini vacation.

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My limit is about a two hour drive for just a little one day get-together. If it were a more well-planned meet with a bunch of stuff to do (multiple days), I might consider driving 6-8, even 10 hours. What will get me to go a long distance for a meet is good planning. If there are gonna be a lot of cars there, fun stuff to do, good food, or some other cool factor, then I will drive further. I will not drive 6 hours to sit in the parking lot at a Volvo dealer for 3 hours. An amusement park, a beach, a city with stuff to do, etc. all make the drive more practical. Obviously girls (especially a visit to Hooters) can't hurt. That's what makes me drive further to a meet... I've been to some boring, crappy meets and I want to know that I'm not gonna drive 6 hours and end up at one of those. A caravan with some other local guys always makes a long drive more bearable too.

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well I just drove through St. Louis and Kansas City (where VCOA meet was and where they wanted VSes meet to be last year) today...it wasn't that bad...but I don't know if I would do it for a meet...unless there was a plan of exciting stuff (car and non-car) to do everyday...I don't want to hear, "we'll just figure it out when we'll get there"

that doesn't work

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