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Idiot? What the hell would you do in his shoes. He's got people moving back to his doomed city that want to be there 'cuz it's home. I understand that but what do you tell those people? "Stay away from this part" "Don't rebuild". Good luck convincing them that.

A hurricane came, the place got flooded, people were told to flee, many people didn't flee. Do you see how some of the constituents Nagin has would be a little frustrating? Truth is that Nagin still remains these people's lead man. Whether you like that fact or not is inconsequential.

I've got an idea. Test your mayor like Nagin was tested. See how he/she does.

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Idiot? What the hell would you do in his shoes. He's got people moving back to his doomed city that want to be there 'cuz it's home. I understand that but what do you tell those people? "Stay away from this part" "Don't rebuild". Good luck convincing them that.

A hurricane came, the place got flooded, people were told to flee, many people didn't flee. Do you see how some of the constituents Nagin has would be a little frustrating? Truth is that Nagin still remains these people's lead man. Whether you like that fact or not is inconsequential.

I've got an idea. Test your mayor like Nagin was tested. See how he/she does.

Nagin is an idiot, he was told days before katrina hit to call for an evac of the city and he didn't do anything 'till the last minute. He continues to make pompous dumb ass remarks and all in all is a racist douche bag.

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Sean Hannity interviewed Rev. Jesse Jackson last year about his defense of Mayor Nagin.


This is a classic illustration of how two people of different political philosophies differ in their thinking ability so drastically. The conservative voice of the show Sean Hannity, questioned Jackson on why the liberal Mayor did not evacuate his citizens knowing full well days ahead of the upcoming powerful hurricane's dire approach to his city. The liberal guest Rev. Jackson, replies with a statement suggesting to the viewer that the reason the buses were not used is that there were no hosts waiting to receive the evacuees so there was no sense in leaving. What a disconnect with reality??? It is the responsibility of State and Local politicians to formulate and implement emergency plans not the Federal government or its agencies.

HANNITY: You leave them in the wake of a hurricane because you don't know the exact location of where the bus is going to go? I'd get them the heck out of town. Get them out of the way.

JACKSON: And land them where? There must be some reception.

HANNITY: Dry land, away from the hurricane.

JACKSON: But then you have to be received on dry land. You have to have a rescue operation, but you must also have a relocation plan.

The liberal nice guy Jackson supports the brainless decision of the liberal Willy Wonka of the South, democratic Mayor Skipper Nagin, to leave the buses empty and let the ship go down with its cargo, the New Orleans poorest black citizens. Only Jesse Jackson could support such ignorance of a politician where so many black families died or lost everything. But it is okay right, because the Mayor is black too and he also is a liberal democrat? Besides he knows the media and their eagerness to blame Bush!!!

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It is the responsibility of State and Local politicians to formulate and implement emergency plans not the Federal government or its agencies.
I totally agree. the federal govt shouldn't aide because of the local govt's incompetancies in poor planning.
Only Jesse Jackson could support such ignorance of a politician where so many black families died or lost everything. But it is okay right, because the Mayor is black too and he also is a liberal democrat? Besides he knows the media and their eagerness to blame Bush!!!
well, He got away with it because people are too eager to blame Pres. Bush for the "Katrina disaster", not because they realize that it was his fault for not taking care of his citizens.
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