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Changes In 5 Speed Auto Transmissions Since 1999?


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UHHH that was from DMelv a so called "tech" or a dealer employee probably in the service dept.

It's no argument. It's not a debate.

My view is totally supported on two other Volvo forums. This one doesn't quite get it. Misleading info on the correct fluids for the trans can toast one. Moderators should know their stuff before quoting it as gospel.

Yeah I just wash the cars.

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Ok, I gave you a peaceful warning about toning your attitude down, but you haven't... Take the night off, we will see you tomorrow if you want to come and correct us some more. Hell, with the way you're talking, maybe you will run the entire site tomorrow.

It's not about correcting, don't be so narssistic. Everytime you are wrong and giving improper advice and someone corrects the wrong. They get suspended.? I hope you suspended the fella who said the unholy word "Azzhole...". I never swore, just defending a position. And you guys got caught without a response. If you are wrong admit it and sticky the proper response so others don't use the wrong fluids.

I don't want to run the site, but don't run it with wrong information for others not so well informed to actually take heed on it. If you guys are truly tech's then read an owners manual on trans fluid requirements. And stop saying the volvo fluid is "synthetic" when it's not. You have not one shread of evidence other than water cooler talk on that. And it's wrong... Mobil 3309 and JWS 3309 oil spec is NOT synthetic. 4 speed autos do NOT use the Mobil 3309. Only Dextron III. Look it up and if you can prove it post it...

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carson banned you because of your attitude towards others in this thread

not because of your difference in opinion

if you said

"oh jee, if was my thought that blah blah used this blah fluid, can anyone confirm this?", you wouldn't be on the VS black list

leave your superiority complex at the login page

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carson banned you because of your attitude towards others in this thread

not because of your difference in opinion

if you said

"oh jee, if was my thought that blah blah used this blah fluid, can anyone confirm this?", you wouldn't be on the VS black list

leave your superiority complex at the login page

Will Do MOM!!!

Now you all go back to your sewing circle. I guess You have to be in the club to get away with attitudes and swearing. I never did but others did and did they get banned? No, because they are in the sewing circle. Pretty funny actually...

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It's not about correcting, don't be so narssistic. Everytime you are wrong and giving improper advice and someone corrects the wrong. They get suspended.? I hope you suspended the fella who said the unholy word "Azzhole...". I never swore, just defending a position. And you guys got caught without a response. If you are wrong admit it and sticky the proper response so others don't use the wrong fluids.

I don't want to run the site, but don't run it with wrong information for others not so well informed to actually take heed on it. If you guys are truly tech's then read an owners manual on trans fluid requirements. And stop saying the volvo fluid is "synthetic" when it's not. You have not one shread of evidence other than water cooler talk on that. And it's wrong... Mobil 3309 and JWS 3309 oil spec is NOT synthetic. 4 speed autos do NOT use the Mobil 3309. Only Dextron III. Look it up and if you can prove it post it...

You have yet to prove ANYONE wrong, the ONLY think you have done is say I AM RIGHT! LISTEN TO ME! Back your info up with facts, not just "because I said so..." And as for your comment of "the two other volvo boards have it straight", what two boards would ye be reffering to? Brickboard? :rolleyes: Please, do tell.

Now, for the reason you were suspended... You were suspended because you are attacking other members by insulting them, you provoked it so you get the "punishment." Don't like it? Leave, won't bother us a bit. Infact, it'll probably make our(the moderators and readers) lives easier. Also, I've gone back and looked at ALL of your posts, all 47 of them :o:rolleyes: , and the only thing you seem to know is oil, or at least that's what you claim to know about. And one more thing, pick a username, because I'm going to delete one the other one.. (Fred0803)

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You have yet to prove ANYONE wrong, the ONLY think you have done is say I AM RIGHT! LISTEN TO ME! Back your info up with facts, not just "because I said so..." And as for your comment of "the two other volvo boards have it straight", what two boards would ye be reffering to? Brickboard? :rolleyes: Please, do tell.

Now, for the reason you were suspended... You were suspended because you are attacking other members by insulting them, you provoked it so you get the "punishment." Don't like it? Leave, won't bother us a bit. Infact, it'll probably make our(the moderators and readers) lives easier. Also, I've gone back and looked at ALL of your posts, all 47 of them :o:rolleyes: , and the only thing you seem to know is oil, or at least that's what you claim to know about. And one more thing, pick a username, because I'm going to delete one the other one.. (Fred0803)

Grow up Greg

read swedespeed.com and volvoforums.com , bobistheoilguy.com and post that on there.

I have been in many discussions there with many many others, that prove what I said.

Tell you what Gregor, why don't you fill up your 99 S80 6 cylinder with Mobil 3309 and put Dextron III in your S60 automatic and see how long the trans lasts. Or simply read an owners manual. Or show me where the volvo fluid to JWS 3309 is synthetic.

I tell you what, why don't you just delete all the oil posts you reference. I would welcome it, since you Experts on transmission oil can continue to recommend the totally wrong fluids for your members cars. And yes, I am a lubrication engineer and materials engineer if you didn't quite get that. for some reason I think that trumps a "tech" regarding oil. Or you can just simply read the owners manual. I think that trumps us all.

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Grow up Greg

read swedespeed.com and volvoforums.com , bobistheoilguy.com and post that on there.

I have been in many discussions there with many many others, that prove what I said.

Tell you what Gregor, why don't you fill up your 99 S80 6 cylinder with Mobil 3309 and put Dextron III in your S60 automatic and see how long the trans lasts. Or simply read an owners manual. Or show me where the volvo fluid to JWS 3309 is synthetic.

I tell you what, why don't you just delete all the oil posts you reference. I would welcome it, since you Experts on transmission oil can continue to recommend the totally wrong fluids for your members cars. And yes, I am a lubrication engineer and materials engineer if you didn't quite get that. for some reason I think that trumps a "tech" regarding oil. Or you can just simply read the owners manual. I think that trumps us all.

Grow up? Listen chief, you're the one whining about being a suspended and you're the one attacking other members. So do us all a favor and take your own advice. Also, I don't have a 99 S80 6 cylinder nor do I have a s60 automatic. :monkey:

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