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Im Crying Cause...


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No, passing through on my way to interviews in Denver. I purposely didn't take any flights through Seattle b/c I've heard that it's so crazy there right now w/security that flights are getting delayed badly.

dont beleive him...hes beginning the invasion!!

call you travel agents..leave the country CANADA IS INVADING!!!!!!!!!


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dont beleive him...hes beginning the invasion!!

call you travel agents..leave the country CANADA IS INVADING!!!!!!!!!

CANADA.. taking over the US one crappy state at a time ;)

I'm pretty sure we're starting with a coastal invasion of Oregon cuz it's the suckiest

Besides, I only run maple syrup in my heater core.

+1 :( and winter is coming....

yeah, but hes right next to Canada...anyone/thing that far north is canadian

exactly.....Javadoc is our secrect agent no.1 and you ahve blown his cover... ABORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Exactly. Have you checked your maple syrup level lately? You could have a syrup leak at your heater core ... I heard it smells like coolant when that happens.

just go to IHOP and get the $214.00 service

PS I thought Scott was canadian but fled to the AK side...

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