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Im Crying Cause...


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he's a big lil' monster!!! He's fun and lets us sleep a lot! :ph34r: Here's a few pics from yesterday


He is soooooo precious!!!

What a beautiful bebe!!!

Choo are soooo coot!! O' yes choo are!!! <kisses and hugs and kisses and hugs>!!!!!

Seriously now... those are awesome pics, and he is really too cute for words! Get those pics off the internet now before some one sees him and decides they want him! He's beautiful.

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if you say soooooo.... I'll take the pics off..... he'll be in FLA in March/April if you would like to meet him....

Ooo! I'll be your vacation nanny. Yall run off to do whatever and relax... I'll take care of the little scrumptiousbundleofsweetness.


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QUOTE(Plan B @ Sep 6 2006, 02:57 PM)

OMG that baby is so frickin cute!

I wonder what Rod and Jena's baby will look like :o:unsure:

If it looks anything like Jena, it will be one evry beautiful baby... if it looks like Rod.... best of luck :ph34r::lol:

Ooo! I'll be your vacation nanny. Yall run off to do whatever and relax... I'll take care of the little scrumptiousbundleofsweetness.


I'll check with my wifey, see if we can loan him out to you for a bit

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he's a big lil' monster!!! He's fun and lets us sleep a lot! :ph34r: Here's a few pics from yesterday

speaking of that. would you guys be interested in some free clothes. i need to get my balls cut off and we were about to donate a bunch of boys infant clothes to the church. Theres nothing wrong with them. we got so much clothing that the boys rarely wore any of it before the grew out of it.

i know my buddies wife would not take used clothes but if you don't care.... some of this stuff is really nice.



well now i know where the term meat hamick came from at least.

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