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What To Get A Friend Thats Getting Married


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Ok...good friend of mine is getting married...I missed his engagement party, but will be attending his bachelor party later on this week (friday). I am also one of his groomsmen.

what do I get the guy for missing the engagement party?

whats a proper amount to give him at the places where he's registered for gifts.

...its all so different back home :blink:

I always offer them the same thing my brother offered me when I told him i was getting married.....a free one way ticket out of town...no questions asked!!! :lol::lol:

I wish I had taken him up on it the first time around. It would've saved me and the lesbian I ended up marrying alot of heartache. Oh well, live and learn.

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if you know her and her family well, the strong play is something off the registry. your buddy will be WTF but its a good power move. 100 max for this.

wedding gift=cash equal to what your dinner and guests dinner is worth plus whatever the value of the groomsmans gift value. more if you want to make a point.


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