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Wow, are they brainwashing kids now? This seems like, "get em before they are old enough to make their own decisions." I was just talking with a devoted christian the other day about questioning faith. He was one of the few christians that I have spoken with that seemed to have a level headed view of his own dogma despite being a firm believer. We were talking about questioning things that you are told and making your own decisions based on the information. It seems to me too few people actually do this when concerning dogma. If terrorists questioned what they were trying to accomplish when suicide bombing there would be far less terrorism IMO. But believing whatever you are told without questioning seems to me to be a huge negative about the church. If we can't question and make our own decisions then we might as well be sheep IMO. I think having summer camps with a religious undertone is okay and completely acceptable. But having a training camp for gods army seems to me a little, oh CRAZY! You are either with us or against us seems to be their message and that just screams wrong. There are so many religions in the world to teach kids that one is right and the rest are wrong is just irresponsible. Children need guidance but this seems to be on the extreme side, again IMO. Why can't we teach decency, acceptance, responsibility, and morals instead of trying to force ideals and adgenda on children that have no way of deciphering for their own what is true and what is propaganda? Then when they are old enough to make their own decisions they can choose their own dogma. Just my .02 cents. :ph34r:

Don't get off on a tangent.The majority of the newer Christain based churches urge all members to question what they don't understand.Most of the members I and know are more than interested in and willing to discuss religion and their beliefsand disbeliefs.I belong to a couple men's groups at my church(including the Car Ministry),and when we get together alot of it's about question and answer sessions,and debates about an interpretation of the Bible and/or a certain aspect of religion.Kinda like Pegs vs. Volans,or LPT vs. HPT.I think Grant's post and your statements are extreme examples of the subject.And as far as believing what you're told without question,that's an old school thought process of many of the straight and narrow religions like Catholicism and Judiaism,but even some of the newer priests and rabis are loosening up.Bottom line is there are crazies and radicals in every aspect of life,not just religion.

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how do you find this stuff? seriously.

thats what i was thinking

I think I just threw up in my mouth after watching those videos....

I feel that people can believe in whatever they want, but isn't this a little too far?...

This lady is definitely a whacko... :wacko:

Camps like that can lead to this...


thats just the lady i was gonna say but you beat me to it :P

they all crazy as fark

Edited by S70driver2
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QUOTE(Plan B @ Sep 11 2006, 09:50 PM)

Meh, I have no issue's with what anyone's religous beliefs are........infact I find them quit amusing ;)

You said "discuss",so I was discussing!! :P

What's with the wagon in your sig?Did I miss something?Don't tell me your not riding a bike any more.

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Don't get off on a tangent.The majority of the newer Christain based churches urge all members to question what they don't understand.Most of the members I and know are more than interested in and willing to discuss dogma and their beliefsand disbeliefs.I belong to a couple men's groups at my church(including the Car Ministry),and when we get together alot of it's about question and answer sessions,and debates about an interpretation of the Bible and/or a certain aspect of dogma.Kinda like Pegs vs. Volans,or LPT vs. HPT.I think Grant's post and your statements are extreme examples of the subject.And as far as believing what you're told without question,that's an old school thought process of many of the straight and narrow religions like Catholicism and Judiaism,but even some of the newer priests and rabis are loosening up.Bottom line is there are crazies and radicals in every aspect of life,not just dogma.

I do have a tendency to go off when I see some thing I don't agree with. I think religoin (wurd filter) as a whole is a positive meaningfull experience for the people involved. And if you have beliefs with a firm grasp on what they mean then you are completely entitled to those beliefs. I just think anyone that takes in information and doesn't question the validity of it should really not try to argue how their beleifs are the "right" ones. There will always be disagreements on moral and ethical judgements, and some peoples opinions wont change no matter how many facts you throw at them. That is why I think it is soooo important to ask questions yourself, because no one is going to ask them for you. That is also why I think these kind of bible camps are more like brainwashing than teaching. These children are not developed enough to make those judgements on their own. Just for the record I really admire devout religous people for having something that they believe in so strongly, I don't even believe in gravity that strongly :huh: go figure.

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