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Heico Sport Exhaust System


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But, I was talking to a guy about his mustang V6 and he says that he would get more hp with dual because it breaths more. Is that just because it is a V6 and not transversly mounted? He did mention an 'h' pipe which would defeat the purpose of two headers on each side with their own exhaust outlet. Any knowledge on that? Sorry for disruptng the thread. :)


On a Inline 5cyl volvo a dual exhaust would make no diffrance assuming ur using a 3inch exhaust, and if the v6 stang uses a "h" pipe, aka takes 1 and makes it 2 theres really no preformance increase. the only way a dual exhaust makes a diffrance is if the pipes go sepratly from the 2 sides on a engine, Aka one pipe for the left header and one for the right header, other wise its really jsut for looks

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But, I was talking to a guy about his mustang V6 and he says that he would get more hp with dual because it breaths more. Is that just because it is a V6 and not transversly mounted? He did mention an 'h' pipe which would defeat the purpose of two headers on each side with their own exhaust outlet. Any knowledge on that? Sorry for disruptng the thread. :) ~Mike

I think you have your facts crossed. An internal combustion engine doesn’t have a steam of exhaust, but rather pulses of exhaust. An H-pipe allows the pulses to behave as if both sides have dual exhaust. An X-pipe is even better. The optimal position for said pipe is determined by taking a pyrometer to the exhaust, locating the X-pipe at its hottest point, space allowing. This provides for better scavenging of the exhaust. The idea is not for each bank to have its ‘own’ header, but rather for the exhaust to have the fast way out. The concept is known as the ‘path of least resistance’. I am not real sure why you are taking performance advice from a V-6 mustang owner…-mk


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Heico makes qualtiy products from what I have seen. Although I have bent 3 heico rims. I was kinda asking for it... I would say go for it, your gonna have to cut your bumper for the second exhaust tip though... if you do it properly it'll look Darn good though. I just did that for my C70.

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