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Caterpillar Skid Steer


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I dunno if they have these in the Caterpillar ones, but in the New Holland's... they have all these stickers with diagrams on them that say "avoid death" and show all these various ways that you could kill yourself using one. Some of the diagrams are hilarious. I always got a good laugh when I used it at my old job.

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it's a diesel, it's fine. the oil sump system is designed for extreme angles.

Well that's a fine assumption but alas you're WRONG! After eight years in the diesel truck/constrution industry I can tell you that a petroleum powered engine with an oil sump is a petroleum engine with an oil sump. Pretty simple, huh? The oil pickup tubes are not flexible and gravity controlled and certainly can not pump oil that's in the valve cover. That engine ran while starved for oil. Sorry Rod, sounds like this is an expensive tip over. Everytime we get a turned over vehicle of any kind we always drop the pan and replace the rods and mains. Oil pick up tubes do not seek oil. They are stationary. Maybe the engines OK and the starvation was temporary enough to not find pebble sized chunks of bearing. Hopefully the worst thing that happened is that you've reduced that engines life by only a few thousand hours.

I'm glad you're OK. Steel roll cages are a good thing.

Agreed. You may want to change the fuel filter though

Explain to me why just the fuel filter and not anything important like say the rods and mains. Obviously the fuel pump was running while the engine was at an angle so the fuel was being filtered. Is the smoke that's coming out caused by the fuel filter?

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Thanks for the info Beiner.

Is there any way to rig a pressure release vale from the so the engine stops? Why did it keep running tipped over to begin with?

I'm glad you're OK. Steel roll cages are a good thing.




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Thanks for the info Beiner.

Is there any way to rig a pressure release vale from the so the engine stops? Why did it keep running tipped over to begin with?

You'd probably have to rig more of an electical fuel cut off switch like most cars have. In the old days, you killed diesels by pulling a cable which operated the kill lever thereby cutting off the fuel. Take the same engine and control it mechanically and you could accidentally run it backwards. It's been done. Not on purpose but totally possible. You can imagine what kind havoc that could wreak.

Now to why yours kept running. You could run an engine upside down for hours so long as it was lubricated properly. Flip your XC upside down, it'll run for a while. Heck, I've seen old Mack E6 (production stopped in 1989) engines run with out an oil pump for 20 minutes with out making any weird (technical term) noises.

In your case the fuel pick up was in a position to keep picking up fuel to feed the engine therefore it was still running.

by the way, I like your XC. Looks exactly like mine minus the pegs

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My company had an 86 International...to turn engine off, you had to pull a little lever...(a choke)...or put it into 2nd, and step on the brake, and lift the clutch slowly (i didnt see the lever the first time around) ;)

You'd probably have to rig more of an electical fuel cut off switch like most cars have. In the old days, you killed diesels by pulling a cable which operated the kill lever thereby cutting off the fuel. Take the same engine and control it mechanically and you could accidentally run it backwards. It's been done. Not on purpose but totally possible. You can imagine what kind havoc that could wreak.

wount the engine still keep running with no fuel...just on compression...at least for a while? i'd love to make it so it stops completely at the push of a button (like a gas engine) in case the same thing happens again.

by the way, I like your XC. Looks exactly like mine minus the pegs



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My company had an 86 International...to turn engine off, you had to pull a little lever...(a choke)

More accurately, a (fuel) kill lever

wount the engine still keep running with no fuel...just on compression...at least for a while? i'd love to make it so it stops completely at the push of a button (like a gas engine) in case the same thing happens again.

No, those engines STOP. The bigger ones have compression ratios of 16-17:1. The one you were in probably is closer to 18-19:1. I'm guessing those things run a 4 cylinder NA engine, right? Even old VW Rabbit comp ratio was 22:1! Just the opposite of what you said. Their compression cause them to stop. When the valves go close and there's no fuel, you've got no power stroke therefore no more running engine.

I'm guessing that some sort of fuel pump cut off switch could be rigged but I'm not sure how especially on that Cat system. That's essentially what happens now when you turn the key to the off position in modern-day trucks and equipment. It still shuts off the fuel, it just happens electronically.

Are you saying the key was off and the engine was running?

I'll get my pic of the XC up someday. For now, my wife comandeers that thing and she loves it so I don't get to see it much.

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Are you saying the key was off and the engine was running?


i actually went back under the thing and stuck the key in it again...maybe i had pulled it out to hard, but no...it just didnt turn off. it was a 4 cyl turbo.

I'll get my pic of the XC up someday. For now, my wife comandeers that thing and she loves it so I don't get to see it much.


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Just the opposite of what you said. Their compression cause them to stop.

i was figuring that the compression is so high, that it does not even need fuel to tick over, but i guess the octane in diesel is so low, that it need the compression to make enough pressure/temp to combust it.

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