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R Over Evo


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Don't mean to be a di@k but don't EVO's have wings, I don't even think that was an Evo,

It is a simple as taking the wing off ;) that was def an EVO.

Nice run but he was catching you, in the 1/4 he would have won for sure.

But that is the great thing with wagons, you don't have to beat them, just have to be close to make them go WTF :D

EDIT: what was the EVOs MPH?

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Lol are you serious? That is most definaetly an EVO, most of the EVO's around here have their wing removed. The EVO didnt launch like it should have, but it was definately moving very nice in 3rd gear.

Don't mean to be a di@k but don't EVO's have wings, I don't even think that was an Evo, if it was you definately wouldn't have pulled him from a dig like that, no offense but highly unlikely result :unsure:
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It is a simple as taking the wing off ;) that was def an EVO.

Nice run but he was catching you, in the 1/4 he would have won for sure.

But that is the great thing with wagons, you don't have to beat them, just have to be close to make them go WTF :D

EDIT: what was the EVOs MPH?

Me 9.330 @ 77.12

Him 9.411 @ 84.63

Coming close doesnt make me happy, getting to the finish line first makes me happy.

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It is a simple as taking the wing off ;) that was def an EVO.

Nice run but he was catching you, in the 1/4 he would have won for sure.

But that is the great thing with wagons, you don't have to beat them, just have to be close to make them go WTF :D

EDIT: what was the EVOs MPH?

I couldn't make out the signature hood or front end either to verify EVO, oh well <_<

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Is it just me or do I not regard I'm a follower/8 mile as a real race, Ive never seen any benchmark manufacturer or magazine tests using I'm a follower/8 mile, it just seems way too short to me.

yea, when you think of it, it's not even a full lap around an average soccer field.

that distance is considered as more like a sprint type of race even in athletism.

way too short for a car race.

drivers' thing. whoever makes the better launch wins.

it really doesn't mean anything. <_<

but i guess a win is a win after all. :)

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:lol::lol: aannndd he's back.

It's just funny considering the fact that he wasn't even a full tenth quicker in the eighth and claims he did some "smokin" and that the Evo "got caught up in the dust."

Yes, I know that according to Dom, if you "Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile; winning's winning." So yes, in that run on video or whichever run you beat him...you win. I will give you credit for that. But get real here...you beat him by only 0.081-seconds, not to mention being down 7.5 MPH...in the eighth. Do you have any idea what that Evo would have done to you if the race was a meaningful I'm a follower/4-mile...even with a launch like that? Do you have any idea what that Evo would have done to you if he actually did launch? Do you really think such an occurrence is cause for celebration, now endowing you with a false sense in thinking you can "smoke" bolt-on Evos?

What most don't realize is that not everyone goes to the track to abuse their cars. stuff…no one that I know goes to a drag-strip to even “race”. Most go to get a baseline or see what they can trap. They are not out there to run a quick ET to run back home and tell all their friends on the message board. The ones who do are the same people who come back and complain to those same friends that their dealership won't give them a new clutch/tranny under warranty the following week. News flash: Evos (and STis, since the two are practically synonymous) are NOT intended to be drag-raced.

Had it been a real race (i.e. I'm a follower/4-mile), that same Evo driven identically would have made at least a 106-MPH pass (and I'll stress that this extrapolation is based on it being driven identically), while you'll barely do 98. So, we're essentially talking about at least a high 12-second car vs. a high 13-second car at best.

But enough bench-racing. You beat him, fair-and-square. And we all know that beating someone, regardless of by how much, equates to them being "smoked." Good Evo kill!

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yea, when you think of it, it's not even a full lap around an average soccer field.

that distance is considered as more like a sprint type of race even in athletism.

way too short for a car race.

drivers' thing. whoever makes the better launch wins.

it really doesn't mean anything. <_<

but i guess a win is a win after all. :)

The eighth mile track is 5 miles from my wife’s job; we meet there Fridays after work. The closest quarter mile is Darlington, 150 miles away. Unless they put up a new track closer, the vast majority of our racing will be at Lowcountry. When the weather cools, I am definitely putting together a road trip or two to Darlington. But that is not a weekly endeavor.

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Had it been a real race (i.e. I'm a follower/4-mile), that same Evo driven identically would have made at least a 106-MPH pass (and I'll stress that this extrapolation is based on it being driven identically), while you'll barely do 98. So, we're essentially talking about at least a high 12-second car vs. a high 13-second car at best.

Ill give it to Joe on that one, I just pulled up an old slip of mine from about a year ago

Eigth Mile :

E.T. 9.276

MPH 83.56

Quarter Mile:

E.T. 13.953

MPH 105.33

Pretty Close to the EVO times except this should be a low 13 Quarter Mile E.T, except that my 60' was a 2.6

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