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1999 V70 Xc Abs?


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I just purchased a 99 V70 XC today, it looks and drove great (on the test drive)

When I went to leave the CEL was on, salesman had just put gas in and the cap was not tight.

I get it home and go to run some errands and after the trip the CEL is still on ( car has stopped and restarted many times)

But the worst is my ABS and BRAKE lights came on, and of course my Spedo went to 0 and my Odo showed all dashes.

And the little Tracs off light came on. (the can in the orange triangle with squiggtles behind it) Brake fluid is proper level.

Is this a module that is prone to failure (like the 98's) where i can send it to victor and no problem, or do you think there are bigger problems? I'm calling the dealer back tomarrow, What should they be doing for me?



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You have described some of the symptoms of a defective ABS unit.

Very common problem.

All the ABS control units (Installed on 96 and newer 850, 70 series and S80 models) will eventually fail after they reach 65,000 miles or 5 years. The average is 85,000 miles and/or 6 years for failures.

The erratic ABS light is an indication of a defective ABS unit.

A dealer will charge from $60.0 to $120.00 to diagnose the problem and about 95% of the cases the mechanic will recommend to replace the ABS control unit.

Here's more information on this issue and a replacement alternative.

Vitor's Volvo ABS website

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You have described some of the symptoms of a defective ABS unit.

Very common problem.

All the ABS control units (Installed on 96 and newer 850, 70 series and S80 models) will eventually fail after they reach 65,000 miles or 5 years. The average is 85,000 miles and/or 6 years for failures.

The erratic ABS light is an indication of a defective ABS unit.

A dealer will charge from $60.0 to $120.00 to diagnose the problem and about 95% of the cases the mechanic will recommend to replace the ABS control unit.

Here's more information on this issue and a replacement alternative.

Vitor's Volvo ABS website

That is me to a tee. I still can't believe the number of people that pay $700 to replace it at the dealership. I'd send them your way but I need to make cashola too.

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I just purchased a 99 V70 XC today


salesman had just put gas in and the cap was not tight.

personally, I think thats bull, but I always lock the car. I have filled up numerous times with the car running, and the gauge never goes off calibration, and the CEL has never came on....just FYI.

Is this a module that is prone to failure (like the 98's) where i can send it to victor and no problem, or do you think there are bigger problems? I'm calling the dealer back tomarrow, What should they be doing for me?

Vitor has given you your answer in the above posts, and most likely his rebuild will outlast the dealers module as it is probably the same one they will be putting in where it will fail at the same interval. WHat the dealer should do for you is replace it...and for FREE

Its not liek you have put 30,000 miles on the car since purchased...does it have soem sort of warranty or anything?

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does it have soem sort of warranty or anything?

Purchased used with no warrenty. :(

But I spoke with the dealer i got it from (not a volvo dealer by the way) and they agreed to pay for the repair. they are sending out a check right away.

So it looks like my abs module will be taking a little vacation out to cali to see Vitor.

Which is good cuz they could have been a poor dealer and said tuff luck.

So...now its off to find an E5 torx so i can remove this bugger.


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