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Axe Products Suck


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Recently I was in the book store at my school. When I made my purchase they gave me some free samples of axe deodorant and body wash. First of all I think it is dispicable that they are pushing this stuff at colleges, but this stuff really sucks anyway. If they are trying to generate business they should run a contest or keep running those commercials with all the girls chasing a guy that is wearing axe. By giving the stuff away they are just giving people the chance to realize how terrible their stuff really is without having to shell out a dime. I usually use Old spice deodorant and never once have I noticed body odor. I put on the axe stuff and went to the gym, man I haven't smelled that bad ever. This is the worst hygene product ever and I can't believe that they think this is going to help their business. Old spice High endurance soft solid FTW.

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Recently I was in the book store at my school. When I made my purchase they gave me some free samples of axe deodorant and body wash. First of all I think it is dispicable that they are pushing this stuff at colleges, but this stuff really sucks anyway. If they are trying to generate business they should run a contest or keep running those commercials with all the girls chasing a guy that is wearing axe. By giving the stuff away they are just giving people the chance to realize how terrible their stuff really is without having to shell out a dime. I usually use Old spice deodorant and never once have I noticed body odor. I put on the axe stuff and went to the gym, man I haven't smelled that bad ever. This is the worst hygene product ever and I can't believe that they think this is going to help their business. Old spice High endurance soft solid FTW.

LOL yea, it's more of a highschool "this spray is way better than deoderant" kinda thing. :lol: (Sorry Pras :ph34r: )

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meh... if you use it for what it should be used for it isnt that bad. I mean it shouldnt be like

"hey I got this girls number and we are going on a romantic date tonight

... better put on some axe."

I use half way through work mostly because it sorta hides the sweat smell. hah

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