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Lucas Synthetic Motor Oil

Luther White

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Not 100% sure, but I think the common Lucas product is an oil supplement, not a regular oil that you would use six quarts of for a regular fill. The Lucas I have seen up close is a VERY sticky and pretty heavy concoction that claims to slow down oil consumption, etc. However, after trying to get it off my fingers, and off my buddy's valve cover after he spilled a little when he tried a quart, I would never put it in anything of mine. Seems like it would severly reduce teh flow through any small passages. I don't think the other guy's car suffered in teh short term, but he didn't own it long. If the Lucas you are lookin at is a regular oil, delete all of the above.

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I am familiar with the sticky Lucas treatment stuff you refer to (oil, power steering, gear, transmission), I have used it in my 92 Sentra SER with pretty good results. But I would never use it in my 850; one because their is no need, two because it is a turbo, and three I have read it supposedly had caused problems for others-- turbos.

But this stuff is synthetic oil and it says it is designed for turbo/racing engines, I was just curious if any had came across this stuff and tried it. I know many are familiar with the name, I have just never seen the fully synthetic oil by Lucas before. Mobil 1 has been fine for me and many others, I'm just going to stick with it. My wife would of been proud that I didn't fall for the impulse buy item. Especially since it is 7.99 a quart vs. 5.69 for Mobil 1.


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There definitely is a lot of oil and oil additive products out there : good, bad or just plain useless and harmful snake oil right off the shelves, and all of these companies have one thing in common: A huge marketing division with deep pockets of $$$ to convince you and I to believe their wonderful story and BUY it, with your best interests just not on their mind but your wallet is....

If you want to get the probably least biased opinions and tests from an oil afficianadoes forum just like this volvo dedicated forum, then go to:


and learn more than you ever wanted to know about oil from lubeheads themselves....

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Lucas makes some good products and some totally B.S. snake oil products. They tell us very little about their oil excep, "Trust us." http://www.lucasoil.com/images/medialibrar...hetic_10w30.pdf

Group III (very highly refined petroleum) base oil is cheap, about 70+ cents a gallon more than the Group II base oil used in conventional 10W-30. A lot of the Group III base oil is imported from Korea and OK but not great.

If this Lucas stuff was the same price as regular Valvoline 10W-30, I'd use it. I certainly wouldn't pay $8, and wouldn't pay what Mobil 1 costs.


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