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New Street Racing Law In Ca.

Evil E

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Personally i dont like the laws and feel that street racing is ok if done right.
No, it isn't.

Ii was driving up to my place in the north of the city and the police where running a hidden speed trap, officer walked out in dead of night were there was no light visible from anything, took out flash light and pointed out a car in front of me. The car in front of me was doing prob 190km/h and me around 160km/h. I saw the car slam on his brakes and i almost killed myself trying to brake, never mind all the other cars traveling 120km/h behind me who had there own trouble stopping. I felt like getting out of the car and beating the officer. To hide yourself till the last second and try to stop one car in a group of other cars at the last second, by walking in the middle of a highway. Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only other morons who do that are animals i hit. grrrrr
You and the rest of the people were following too close to be able to stop safely, so how exactly is that the officer's fault?
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