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Amp Overheating - Help- Need Ur Experience & Ideas


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I chose the green face on the title cause my amp pukes when the protection circuit comes on and it powers down. :blink::excl:

Aight you guys. I just re-did my system and I love it. I had the Memphis belle 5 chan amp mounted on the carpet on the left side of the trunk but the screws kept slipping and the amp was gonna fall one day and get damaged. So, instead of waiting for that day, I figured to make a little mounting system. now, before you question why the thing looks like it does #1 I'm in the testing phase #2 the arm from the trunk barely passes the amp, so this box thing has to accommodate the trunk-arm when I close the trunk. I'll carpet it later when I get it all straight.

here are the pictures




Presently, the fan is blowing across the heat sink, but obviously its not blowing enough effective air. the fan is slightly angled towards the amp also and in that position in the trunk, I can put my hand and feel a lot of air moving, so the entrance to the fan isn't hindering its air-moving performance.

One friend of mine suggested that I pull off the end caps of the amp and put one fan blowing in one end and one fan blowing out. the only perceived problem with this is the fact that there are SO MANY wires connected to the amp on the power end... 2 4 guage powers and 10 wires going to speakers and one to the remote wire. The amp is only 6" wide, so.... there is very little space for placement.

The amp never over heated when I just had it mounted to the carpet, so I need to figure out some kind of cooling method to get this straight so that I can carpet it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. for now, Im going to aim the fan at the amp at a greater angle so that it will be a more direct application of air to the heat sink.



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well, basically, if you think about how heat sink works, the heat has to be able to escape into the air...so...take your heat sink fins, and then pot a border like that over it, and then put the whole thing verticle, that means the heat gets trapped in this little well you have created and have a hard time getting out...

fans could solve this, try using a push/pull set up...with one fan mounted opposite ways to pull air, and then the other one to push air...


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try using plexi or lexan to create a face on the amp rack... Basically enclosing it. Then add exhaust fans, so you've got a couple fans pushing air in, and some pushing air out... You have created a wind tunnel, and cooling will be most efficient.

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Yeah, I've got a huge sheet of half inch plexi sitting in my apartment in Gainesville. I need to get those smaller fans from the apartment also, think I'll be able to work something out by placing the present fan in a spot where it more directly blows over the fins.

I just dont wanna add too many fans and have the thing sound like a wind tunnel. I can already hear that one fan when I have the music down low. I'm thinking of putting a fan where the rear shelf speaker used to be- I have a big gaping hole now so hey, might be worth pulling cooler air from the passenger compartment. We'll see. Keep those ideas coming.


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