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So I'm In Germany For A While...


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Some of you may or may not know that I have been in germany over the last week and will be until mid-October

Alright, well I finally got a few pictures after fixing my ancient smart media card. Been here almost a week now and have gotten a couple pics (nothin spectacular, but a start)

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Been to a couple excellent restaraunts and a small german town festival. So far I've liked the Haus Hamman near Otterburg. The best steak I've had (It was the Rumpsteak mit kaiserbuter or Sirloin with herb butter) and oh man it was excellent. Also been a few other places with excellent selections. Also, people drink beir here as much as americans drink pop. And there's no budwieser or miller, main brand here is Bischoff which actually isn't too bad at all. Their giving me $100/day just for local food allowance so I'm pretty happy about that.

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We've been driving around an Opel Vectra 1.9tdi 6spd and it's pretty quick for what it is. And it will maintain comfortably 200km/h (120mph) on the autobahn, which is a far different driving experience than on an interstate. Also the roads here are very windy and in good condition here. Makes me wish I had a BMW or something rather than an opel :P

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I've picked up a few german phrases and am learning more and more every day. It's alot easier to learn a language when it's really all anybody speaks (and most speak some english, so they can help with translation) We've also been staying away from most of the Americanized touristy places as the person I am here with is here often and has many German friends in the area.

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The small town festival I went to was pretty cool. Basically like any small town party, they had the town hall with everybody in the area and a live band and dance floor, and of course good german beer. It was a pretty good time. I wish I had some pics, but this was the first day I was here and my camera card was not working. Expect lots of pictures in the near future.

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I am taking a train down to Munchen (Munich) early tomarrow for the much beloved Oktoberfest. Supposedly it's like a giant state fair geared towards beer. Imagine the MN State fair (most of my friends should be familiar with it) and over the 2-3weeks they see maybe 1-1.5million people. Now imagine a similar time frame and a little bit larger area with over 6million. Yeah, I'm definately looking forward to it. Beer comes in 1liter glasses :P which is rediculous big, but oh well. I will be staying all day and catching a train back early in the morning as lodging is near impossible to find. so expect some pics on friday. Also remember I am 7hours ahead of Central Time so I'm still fighting a little bit of jetlag.

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Yeah, I'm here on business and the opel is the rental car they gave me, and they also are the ones giving me $100 extra dollars a day just for whatever money. (doesnt' come out of my pay, and lodging and transportation are covered seperately) I might try and rent a BMW or something for a few days. The opel is capable of sustained 180kph on the autobahn. I will have some oktoberfest pictures up shortly as I still have to process them. And surprisingly after 4 liters of german beer I didn't have a hangover this morning. It was a very very fun time.

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