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So I'm In Germany For A While...


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$100/day..that's really quite good Anthony! You know where I work..they don't give out that type of allowance when I travel.

Are you still in the same line of work since I left Minnesota.

Great pictures, BTW. There are quite a few twisty roads here in Western Massachusetts...hell look at my driveway:

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Here's the outside of new house (this was end of July before we closed on August 18th)

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I'll start another thread about my Massachusetts arrival. I just got my MA license, plates, and passed inspection today. I have already met with one Volvospeed member briefly here. Haven't had a chance to post much or spend time on the forum lately. My work has kept me very, very busy. I am working from home now, but I find myself working much more than when I was in an office..no distractions now, LOL!

Send beer!!! Mmmm!

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Alright, now for some pictures as promised.

We took the German Hauptbahnhof (railway) down to Munchen (Munich) took about 4 hours or so and was extremely smooth quiet and comfortable compared to air. and then we didn't have to worry about driving back drunk and whatnot.

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We went to the HB (HofBrau) Tent. It was an awesome time and it was freakin huge. We went on a thursday so it wasn't as busy during the day (maybe 2000 in the tent) but into the night I would guess 6k+ people in this one tent (and there are 14 tents like this one.) It was one awesome long party. Got to talk to people from all over the world. At our table alone we had some people from Australia, Ireland, Germany (of course) and americans from all over the US.

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In this picture, you are looking at maybe 20% of the tent (just one corner)

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Another shot of the tent, maybe 30% of it.

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Also the beer glasses you see here are pretty huge. They are 1 liter and cost about 7,50 Euro, and figure round up to 10 Euro with tip if you want the waitress to come back.

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a shot of me with a beer glass

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Also as soon as you walk into the oktoberfest area there is a "Beer-go-round" which is literally like a caroselle that was converted into a moving bar.

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Ended up drinking ~4liters of beer over 8 hours and this from someone who literallly never really drinks anything. I did end up throwing up all over the table (and a little bit on some Irish chick :P ) I bought her a new shirt and she was cool with it though :P ) And surprisingly no hangover and after 10 or so hours of sleep I am feeling pretty good

Anyways, there will be more later (maybe tomarrow) as I was out wine tasting today and a friends winery here. I have never ever liked wine until today. Soooo much better than anything I have ever had. Ended up buying 3 cases worth :ph34r: Anyways, more on that later.

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Alright, time for some pics of the winery. Just a little place up in the hills that doesn't really export his stuff. I guess German wine makers have a tradition of not sending their best wines out of country. We are the only americans he has ever really had thru his winery (the owner is a friend of a friend kind of deal) and the wine was excellent. I've tried many wines and haven't like any of them ever. I went away from here with 2 cases of 5 different types of wines. They were all excellent. Had an oppourtunity today to taste test a large selection of his wines, and to tour his facilities, it was a bit hard to communicate as he knows very little english and I know very little german, but we got by.

Now for some pics.

A couple of the winery itself

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Some of us taste testing with the owner of the vinyard

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Also got to tour his vinyards which go on for miles and miles (they were not all exclusively this particular winery's though)

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Lol and his work car from the old soviet block

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Took this cool picture of some grapes on the vine B)

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And the small town that the vinyards overlook

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And then I finished the night with my favorite place to eat here thus far, the Haus Haman. Now Germany is not known for it's steaks but rather its pork. But this place has the absolute best steak I have ever had in my life. Started out with a cream of garlic soup and then a rumpsteak (like a sirloin) with an herb butter that is melted into the top Tender enought to cut with a butter knife and awesomely flavorful. Tucked a ways from the main road though, you have to head thru a small road thru a forest, then a couple km thru the middle of a farmers field, thru another forest then you finally get there :P But the place is excellent

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