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Master Cylinder


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My transmission will not go in to gear when the car is running.

My clutch pedal feels normal.

I think either the Master Cyl is bad, the clutch fork slipped off of the throw out bearing or something to do with clutch/flywheel is broken.



.. come on master cylinder.. easiest fix!!

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Better odds it is the slave on the trans..... Reading your post again, you say the pedal feels normal? It could be clutch problem??? A quick look at the slave and you can see if it is leaking....

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well it goes in to gear fine when the engine is not running. i figured if it was in the tranny it wouldnt go in to gear then either.

Look first to the hydraulics - as mentionend above, check your slave for leaks. Also check your master. I have replaced both for leaks. You can feel around inside the footwell for leaking from the master. There was brake fluid in the carpet when my master was seeping. If the hydraulics look ok, I'd bleed the system. If you have bled the system and the problem is still there, it's likely a problem in the clutch assembly.

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