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Wiring Up 2 Subs


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Ok i'm racking my brain on this tired of looking at diagrams, and people with "unsure" answers, so let me ask some of you since some of you happen to live by installing systems, here is what I need to know.

I have 2 12" DVC subs that are 4 ohm's currently I have them jumped so they are dropped down to 2 ohm's each one and go into a 2 channel amp, easy enough.

My question is this because I'm rebuilding my system and changing out my amps, is there a way to wire up 2 12" DVC's that are 4 ohm's to a mono block amp as 2 ohm's, so that the amp will give me 2 ohm's instead of 4 for RMS wattage. If so could someone please explain with a diagram or word it out that this will work. thank you.

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Get an amp that's 1-ohm stable and run them in 1 ohm. Use Google - many amps can run at one ohm and aren't labeled as such. Allows you to get a lot of power into the subs from the same relative "size" amp. Many competition amps see less than one ohm. Oldschool soundstream amps had a reputation for going real low (like 1/4 ohm) but I'm sure there are many out there that will do what you want.

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