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How To Tell If Rms Or Head Gasket Is Going Bad


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If one is checking out a used 1998 S70 T5 (or even a GLT) car, is there a quick tell-tale of bad RMS or head gasket?

How about lost compression, is there a quick way to suspect if at least one cyclinder is bad by just test-driving a car?

I think gasket leaks for cams is easier to spot, and front seal is accessible so I'm not all that concern about them.

I own a 98 n/a and comfortable working with that year model. I want one with turbo, so my n/a would not be a good baseline for comparison.

I'm concerned that if the engine bay have just been cleaned, a few minutes of test drive would not make RMS or head gasket (going) problem apparent.



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Check the oil cap seal as well. It has decieved many people into thinking front or rear seals are leaking. If it cracks or is like plastic it causes a leak that then runs down the front and the back of the motor. Kevin's right the rear main you can see oil form the weep hole at the base of the trans where it meets up with the block.

You can do a pressure test on the cooling syst to see if there is a coolant leak throught the head gasket. I would suggest checking all that out with a cold car. Sometimes when the car warms up minor warpage or leaks aren't found due to the expansion from the heat. Compression test warm though. Problem is you can't do a lot of that when checking out a car unless the owner will let you take it to someone you trust to check it out.

When I was younger, the shop I started at we would do "Pre-purchase Appraisals". The owner of the car would bring it to us or the interested buyer if the seller allowed it. Can you do that?

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I just helped my buddy buy a car with a rms leak (dealer discounted)

basicly turn on the car... and lay down on the ground... on the car my friend bought..... it was a drip every 20 seconds or less. It will be where the engine and transmission meet.

Hope this helps

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