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It's all that powaahh you're putting down!

Rode 75 miles with 65+ strangers this morning. Riding in Tucson is phenomenal, this was as competitive and fast as any Hincapie Traning Race I normally do in the Spring in SC. 

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Got dropped in my first Cat 4 race after unsuccessfully shooting for the prime. Time to build some base miles for next season!


It was labeled a crit, but was more like a circuit race. I pedaled through every turn, unless the pack slowed. 3-4 wide wasn't any problem. Almost ate shit when I hit a bump chasing the prime - launched my back tire up and had me headed for a curb. Hopped off course and sprinted to get back on a wheel. It was all downhill from there. 60 degrees with gusty 20mph winds were not kind if you popped off the back.

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Got dropped in my first Cat 4 race after unsuccessfully shooting for the prime. Time to build some base miles for next season!


It was labeled a crit, but was more like a circuit race. I pedaled through every turn, unless the pack slowed. 3-4 wide wasn't any problem. Almost ate shit when I hit a bump chasing the prime - launched my back tire up and had me headed for a curb. Hopped off course and sprinted to get back on a wheel. It was all downhill from there. 60 degrees with gusty 20mph winds were not kind if you popped off the back.

Base miles are important, then add long intervals: 3-5 minutes at LT. They will mimic the efforts required in a crit or circuit race and will help you in the Spring. Good to see you racing!

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Finally got a brake mounted up so I could ride the Geekhouse. Only about 20 miles on it so far over the weekend/this morning but I like it so far. Not totally sure on keeping these bars though. I got some other ones in the garage to swap around to see what feels right.


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Love it, the color works really well with this bike. Do you keep up with them on IG ? Geekhouse and Stanridge Cycles usually post some cool build pics.

Do the bars come back too far past the headset ? 

Semi related, the ride I did saturday morning had a rider on a fixed gear bike. Dude would spin at 155 rpm in the descents but he stayed with the group for most of the ride!

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Love it, the color works really well with this bike. Do you keep up with them on IG ? Geekhouse and Stanridge Cycles usually post some cool build pics.

Do the bars come back too far past the headset ? 

Semi related, the ride I did saturday morning had a rider on a fixed gear bike. Dude would spin at 155 rpm in the descents but he stayed with the group for most of the ride!

Thanks -- yeah, I do follow them on Instagram. I like all their stuff -- they've really developed a lot over the last few years and I'm really impressed with their progression and their brand. You always know a Geekhouse when you see one! I wasn't totally sure on the color until I saw it in person. It really does work well for this bike.

Here's a more illustrative picture of where the bar sit -- They're pretty far back and while it's surprisingly comfortable where they are, I am considering sawing off about an inch off the ends to move the grips a bit further forward.


not feeling the bars.  flip them 180 to be like TT bars.  that could be something special.

I'm still a little on the fence on the bars -- they're a lot more comfortable and natural feeling on this bike than I expected though.

Or just swap them whenever you need to. Leave them as is for relaxed around town riding and flip them forward for some faster cruises if need be.

Awesome rig Cameron!

Thanks! And yes, easy to swap them around. 4 bolts and the stem faceplate comes off, one bolt and the brake lever slides off. This stem is 25.4 and I've got a Nitto "standard" flat bar and Nitto classic drop bar both in 25.4 already in the garage. I'm sure I'll change it up depending.

Oh, and since I was in bike building mode this weekend I finished up more details on the new All City too. Just need pedals, trim down the fork steerer a bit and wrap bars and it's ready to ride as well:



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Had a sticker on one of my work bikes...


"Brakes are for Pussies"... 


Never had a brake on a fixed bike in 24 years. 

We've got a couple of guys who come ride our fast rides fixed. Nothing like drafting a guy at 30+ and realizing he's got no brakes.

but he's got thighs like a motherfucker.. All you need.

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Had a sticker on one of my work bikes...


"Brakes are for Pussies"... 


Never had a brake on a fixed bike in 24 years. 

but he's got thighs like a motherfucker.. All you need.

Winner winner, chicken dinner. 

Dude has huge thighs, he had not trouble stopping for red lights on our way back into town. (and yes, he did stop).

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