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Reason # 1,299,675,2234,9986,000 why I dislike the south: packing heat to ride your bike. Friend in college in NC used to pack a gun, this was 15 years ago. I was chased by a guy with a baseball bat (I dared to yell at him after he clipped me with his mirror). If you're that angry behind the wheel, you should probably stay home and take your meds. :blink: Thankfully Tucson has a large cycling community, bikes and cars get along well.

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1 hour ago, matt b said:

Reason # 1,299,675,2234,9986,000 why I dislike the south: packing heat to ride your bike.

We both know that isn't distinct to the south. There's a niche market of self defense items for cyclists, marketed to more than just southerners (and comprised of more than guns).

I started looking into a good way to carry pepper spray after that taxi cab driver told me, "If this were Pakistan, I'd kill you!" You never considered getting anything after getting chased with a bat?

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No, I have reverted to doing what teammates were doing in KY: wave and smile. Most drivers don't know how to react to that. I agree that agressive A-holes drivers (towards bikes) isn't a southern thing only, but I can tell you it's a lot worse there than other parts. Data points: NC, SC, FL, KY, IL, CA and AZ.

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I believe that. Riding anywhere else I travel always seems safer. People routinely get killed in bike lanes here. And then the fucking idiots who want to raise awareness and put up 'ghost bikes' don't actually ride bikes and just sit in an intersection and drinks 40s and chain smoke and fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

True story: guy on a bicycle got killed down the street from me, actually walking distance. So I grab some flowers and ride my bike over to add to an impromptu memorial. One real cyclist there, some of the other people literally didn't have bikes, and it was a lot yelling at drivers and people on bicycles while they dranks 40s and chain smoked in the median. Un-fucking-believable. Crust punks out there talking about stealing public transit buses and protesting at the state's capitol. What? Dropped off my flowers and got the fuck out of there.

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