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Whole Lap Of The Nürburgring


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Car accidents are fairly limited, mostly BMWs who take it too far and spin into the guardrail, serious accidents are almost all bikers, on their own or in collisions with cars.

I think on any given day there at least 10 accidents, but not all of them serious enough to cause the track to close for anywhere from 15 min to hours

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The better you get, the more expensive it becomes.. :lol:

It requires a lot of investment to have a quick car around Nurburgring...

But you can have fun there with almost every car although it needs brakes and tires... :lol:

I´ve been there with an Alfa Romeo 147 Diesel(the lap)...

... what a diference to my 854 R... :rolleyes:

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depends how you look at it.

Singe lap is 16€.

4-lap ticket is 56€.

8-laps are 108€.

However, you also spend per lap 10€ fuel, close to 10€ tire wear, at least 5€ brake pad wear on my car and i wont mention added stress on other components :rolleyes:

When all is said and done taking the 850 around the Nordshleife costs around 50€/62$ per lap if all goes well

1 Euro = $1.32

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I've had some close calls too, its easy to push too hard sometimes.

Coming over the Hill at Quiddelbacher H. up to Flugplatz at ~180 kmh i found a slow motorcycle on the right side, so I decide to pass on the left only for him to come to the left. 2 Wheels on the grass at that speed. Car kept straight luckily.

Another time also at Flugplatz I let myself get annoyed at a really pushy impolite Porsche 911 behind me so I stayed on the throttle while making room for him, he didnt get past me by the time we came up the hill so I had to stay on the right side which is incredibly steep. Car was slightly airporne and went straight into the ABS as I touched the brakes, no braking and violent fishtailing until i got grip again and managed to just lose enough speed to make the corner.

You gotto stay cool on the Ring..

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