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Optima Battery


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yellow tops are nice.

Still too bad you couldn't get the Exide. Though, the Yellowtop works well with the theme your going for. Coolant is getting a bit low, btw. :P

34/78 right?

well alot of people that have high power stereos use the yellow top instead of a cap. . the deep cycle part of the battery acts as a capacator and keeps the voltage stable while the battery itself is still designed to be used as a starter battery.

While we're at it, let's clear something else up. A deep cycle battery is a type of battery, there is no deep cycle "part" that is seperate from the battery itself, as you seem to believe. I guess Optima forgot to put that on their page for you.

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Im not to sharp in the area of batteries and such, but i can tell you that im pretty sure that i need to upgrade.

The reason, im going to be placing system in the volvo and i dont want to have lights dim

Plus, these are top notch batteries


Can i run one of them in the car as a replacement to the one thats in there now?

just get a cap lol

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just get a cap lol

A cap is only going to help stop light dimming in certain situations. Lights dim due to voltage drop either because the need for current is so great that voltage suffors, or because the regulator is too slow to react, but the alt is powerful enough once it catches up with the change in demand. Even if the regulator is just slow to react, the problem may still be caused by a lack of current. You can determin the issue based on how the lights dim in relation to the music (or any other demand). However, because the OP doesn't even have a system yet, this will be a bit hard to do.

Basically, a capacitor can help solve light dimming if it's caused by a slow to react regulator. If there is just a lack of power, no amount of capacitance in the world will solve the issue. This is not what they are made to do.

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i never was your friend to begin with. Plus i'm sure everyone can do a google search to gather info just like i did

The problem with that theory is that you were wrong and in an attempt to contradict me, made a point I had already made. You just didn't realize it because you don't know the subject well enough.

Why don't you want to be fwends? :(

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I've been curious as to when it is appropriate to upgrade batteries and how to determine what to look for..? My car's been having a few rough starts lately, so maybe its time for a new one.. :unsure:

i got mine checked at autozone and they said it was def bad. That and it was putting out only 9.5 volts

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generally, it's every 5 years

rough start could mean a lot of different things, not just battery related

Yea, its getting pretty cold here lately. Can you just check the battery with a voltmeter? I'd run out and check, but its friggin cold out!

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