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hi there, just wanted to greet everyone here, i'm a new member located in Vancouver B.C. Canada, currently driving a 2005 S60R.

i've joined a few months ago, this is my first post, was reading some other posts about the R, and learnd that the minor problems of the R are similar with a few members here, ie: some interior rattle/squeeking noises. other than that, everything is perfect with the car.

the R is a perfect car for me, i'm mostly into sedans because of the comfort and luxury, and also loves the feel of driving, which the R can convert that by just a press of a button!

only one thing i'm concerned about now are the tires, winter's here and i'm still running with the stock P Zeros, i know the tires should be fine with AWD, and with the Vancouver weather... if it really does snow it'll just force me to store the car a couple days maximum. BUT! always think and prepare the safe side, i am still considering getting a set of 17" four seasons...

anyways, nice to meet you people and hope to share more info in the future!


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Kudos to you for doing research before asking a plethora of questions that have been answered a million times before! Its good to see a member who can effectively utilize the site before even making their first post!

Now, my personal experience/ opinion with Pzero's is nothing short of awful. I would never put them on any of my vehicles ever again. I am not the only one with this experience as you will see in the Tire Review Thread


A good set of all seasons with some meaty tread should do you well in light snow

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hey... thanks for the responses!

sorry about my slow reply, too many things going on around me and kept me busy!

i drive A LOT! so i'm everywhere..... as of pics, i've only took 1 since i got the car!

took this the first day i got the car!


and no, the 360 is not mine... its my friend's car, we were just going to a dinner party right after i picked up my car.

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