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Sub Stopped Working


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Thermal light like that can come from a few things. It could be overheating because your car is too hot, but seeing as it's basically winter, and you're having this problem all the time that's unlikely. Other possibilities are that the amp has been fried, or that there's a short somewhere on the speaker side of things, and that's causing it to go into protect mode almost immediately (Which will likely fry it quickly - so check for that). The last thing that could do this (on some amps at least) is a busted positive power wire. The amp in my friend's girlfriend's car was actually able to turn itself on enough to light up the "thermal" light with JUST the remote + ground wires. (The fuse was loose). Replaced the fuse, and everything has been fine since.

Anyway, start there first.

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Thermal ON = your amp is toast already, or is on it's way there. It's either in the process of overheating, or has already overheated. You run it hard? Is it in a place that doesn't get much air circulation?

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