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Iraq Study Group Report


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I am only about halfway through it and so far i feel it has been next to useless. I hope it gets better!

Wow, thanks for that intellectaul statement. Why is it useless?


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Well when i came upon the the statement "the situation is more a result of our policy in the Arab - Israli conflict" I felt it was rediculous and really doesen't explain much of anything and has little bearing on the iraq situation. I still have about 75 pages left so I am trying not to make up my mind until then but there are some things i definately don't like, but some i do.

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Well when i came upon the the statement "the situation is more a result of our policy in the Arab - Israli conflict" I felt it was rediculous and really doesen't explain much of anything and has little bearing on the iraq situation. I still have about 75 pages left so I am trying not to make up my mind until then but there are some things i definately don't like, but some i do.

Well what do you know about the Arab-Israeli conflict as of right now? I just had to write an essay about the US and Middle East relations dating back to 1945 so I know SOME things but not all. I cant say I got an A on that final either.

Basically everything we fight for in the Middle East today is because we supported Israel and the UK during the middle of the century. Israel was not welcome in the Arab community and we supported their return so the Arab nations in turn didnt like us very much.

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Waiting for you comments on the report. Was listining to one of the talk shows last week and that host was ripping on the writters of the report ... something to the effect that one could go to any school in the US, get about 20 6th to 10th graders and they would be able to do as well. That the report didn't really spell out anything that is really useful in making the situation better. I really hope the powers to be can get a policy together that makes sense for mankind as well as the US .

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Of course the Arab nations don't like israel. I can understand why, they were basically carved out of their territory following WWII. What legitimises it form me is when the entire arab community around israel attacks them and is repulsed time and time again. The israelis have earned their land in my mind.

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I just had to write an essay about the US and Middle East relations dating back to 1945 so I know SOME things but not all. I cant say I got an A on that final either.

Basically everything we fight for in the Middle East today is because we supported Israel and the UK during the middle of the century.

Hence the grade less than an "A"?

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Basically everything we fight for in the Middle East today is because we supported Israel and the UK during the middle of the century. Israel was not welcome in the Arab community and we supported their return so the Arab nations in turn didnt like us very much.

You expect me to believe 1.8 Billion with a "B" muslims are driven into homocidal/suicidal mania by 6.3 million with an "M" Israeli's who are living on a land smaller than New Jersey and its our fault? For comparison purpose that is like taking the people living in the city of Arlington, Texas and comparing it to the entire United States total population. Your lucky they didn't throw your jerk out of school with your logic??? If the words Israel or Jew never existed, we would still be in this position.

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You expect me to believe 1.8 Billion with a "B" muslims are driven into homocidal/suicidal mania by 6.3 million with an "M" Israeli's who are living on a land smaller than New Jersey and its our fault? For comparison purpose that is like taking the people living in the city of Arlington, Texas and comparing it to the entire United States total population. Your lucky they didn't throw your jerk out of school with your logic??? If the words Israel or Jew never existed, we would still be in this position.

Mmmmm, not neccesarily. Us helping Israel (which wasn't a bad ting) was a smack in the face to the musilms and gave them yet another reason to hate us. I am still working on the solution, haha. And Starfish, could you not be a douche for once in your life, just cause someone has a different opinion than you, thanks. :tup:


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Mmmmm, not neccesarily. And Starfish, could you not be a douche for once in your life, just cause someone has a different opinion than you, thanks. :tup:


'Mmmmm, not neccesarily", a "douche cause someone has a different opinion than you"??? What did you just do? I don't give a flying camels jerk as to why they hate us no matter how many reasons. You need to get over your self-loathing liberal hooey and then you might be better prepared to digest what I am trying to say without taking such acception.

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You expect me to believe 1.8 Billion with a "B" muslims are driven into homocidal/suicidal mania by 6.3 million with an "M" Israeli's who are living on a land smaller than New Jersey and its our fault? For comparison purpose that is like taking the people living in the city of Arlington, Texas and comparing it to the entire United States total population. Your lucky they didn't throw your jerk out of school with your logic??? If the words Israel or Jew never existed, we would still be in this position.

Since where are there 1.8 billion muslims that are radical. This is actually comical. The radical population in the ARAB countries (there is a difference between an Arab and a Muslim) is actually not as big as people believe it is. Most of these radical groups are just small factions that do all the dirty work. I dont care how many Jewish people came to the Middle East during the 1940's through the 1970's. They came and took over houses belonging to Palestinians and took their land. Do you want someone from a different country coming to your house and taking it from you and then living in it? I think not. I dont know what kind of smart ass remark that is about my logic but it seems to be a little more logical than what you are trying to say.

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I don't give a flying camels jerk as to why they hate us no matter how many reasons.

And that is the reason why conservatives like you should not be running this country. Liberals self-loathing?!?!?! You don't care about anyone but yourselves, and you would rather say F it and destroy things than sit down and think about why sh!t is happening BEFORE you jump to a conclusion. That is why we are in such a mess!!!


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And that is the reason why conservatives like you should not be running this country. Liberals self-loathing?!?!?! You don't care about anyone but yourselves, and you would rather say F it and destroy things than sit down and think about why sh!t is happening BEFORE you jump to a conclusion. That is why we are in such a mess!!!


And thats the reason you have to be over a certain age to run for certain offices.

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