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Greetings From The Usps Unclaimed Mail Division


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It's that time of the month again and I'm back in Atlanta at the USPS Mail Processing Facility. All unclaimed and lost mail for the 50 states is routed to this facility and auctioned off to the general public every month. Being 5 days before Christmas I though it'd be light but this is hands down the largest crowd I've ever seen here, probably 800 or so crammed up in the piece. Standing room only.

I've dropped about $8k so far, probably around 10k total when all is said and done; hopefully i don't eat it. There's another 15 minutes or so until the next pallet I want comes up to auction so here I am blowing time on VS (thanks to Sprint data card).

This auction is a hoot and rarely dissapoints, I highly recommend all VSers within driving distance to make the journey. The auction schedule is at usps.com/auctions.

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serveral laptops, around 30 or so 30/60gb ipods, a dozen or so nano's and shuffles, beaucoup NIB software, ipod accessories galore, 20 or so new digital cameras of various brands, 3 DLP projectors, and these were on the top of the crates, i have no idea what is underneath. once i get home tonight and gather my spoils i'll be able to better explain what i got. total came to $10.2k

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serveral laptops, around 30 or so 30/60gb ipods, a dozen or so nano's and shuffles, beaucoup NIB software, ipod accessories galore, 20 or so new digital cameras of various brands, 3 DLP projectors, and these were on the top of the crates, i have no idea what is underneath. once i get home tonight and gather my spoils i'll be able to better explain what i got. total came to $10.2k

where do the pallets from customs seziures go? :rolleyes:

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serveral laptops, around 30 or so 30/60gb ipods, a dozen or so nano's and shuffles, beaucoup NIB software, ipod accessories galore, 20 or so new digital cameras of various brands, 3 DLP projectors, and these were on the top of the crates, i have no idea what is underneath. once i get home tonight and gather my spoils i'll be able to better explain what i got. total came to $10.2k

How much for a 60gb iPod? Hook a borther up.

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ive done the same thing. went to the auction and paid 400 bucks for a big ass push cart full of shit. had TONS of tools in it, 2 automatic paintball guns, hoppers and the whole 9. all kinda knick nack shit that sold like wildfire on ebay. made almost double my money back. the only problem is that it kinda gets crazy with the bidding. people get all excited and jack the price up so you have to be careful. also putting the shit on ebay and making sure it was shipped was such a pain in the ass. wouldnt do it again.

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My friend does this with storage trailers. People rent a trailer and space to store anything they want inside for $100.00 a month. Say the person dies, and does not pay for 3 months the trailer is then the trailor is auctioned off with the lock still on. So you don't know whats inside until after the auction is over and you get the key. I do remember a story about some who won the bid for a trailer for $300.00 and ended up finding a box with 50,000 dollars in it.

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