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School Is Finally Over!


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I just finished final exams yesterday. Haven't been able to post on VS much since I have been so busy lately. My car is having some issues but they are almost worked out. Luckily I have been able to sport the v70R in the meantime so its alright. My weekends have been taken up by a great girl lately, and I am very happy about it. Love is a great thing. School was totally draining but now I have almost 4 weeks of vacation coming. So what to do with it. Maybe I will sit around on the internet and BS on VS... Maybe I will get some stuff done on my car, I have a 3 pod a pillar and some guages just dying to be put in... Oh well its nice to have time again.

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Congrats man. I still have another day of HS until break. If you get any work done, post some pics or send me some please (northmiler89@yahoo.com)

I havent seen much of the car or any good shots with the new shoes. In fact I dont even know if you still have them on. Vacation sounds like a good time for some quality photo shoots.

Have fun.

Be safe-

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