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Not usually one for frivilous threads,but.....

I just belched,sitting in the dark at my computer screen,and some sort of fog/dust erupted from my throat.Only thing I can figure is I just took my vitamins after my shower about an hour ago,which I usually do in the morning,but my schedule is a little relaxed as I'm on vacation for the holidays.

I'd like to do that when I'm talking to someone whose boring the crap outta me or is sporting some serious bad breath.

Pretty freakin weird.

Thanks for letting me share. :)

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"ClearLungs" the strong from vitamin shops sometimes does that to people. It helped me clear out my lungs, air tastes different same with food, and smoke tastes horrible - make you never want to have a cigarette or cigar ever. People with emphysema (sp?) use it to help them breathe easier. Helps me with my running but it makes me cough up a lot of nasty mucus or whatever it is (mostly yellow / grey with black speckles)... ClearLungs + NO-xplode makes workouts and long runs a hell of a lot easier.

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Spontaneous Human Combustion?

Cool idea. I can think of a few people it'd be cool to see go that way. I should keep a bag of marshmallows and a stick in the car in case I witness that someday.

It may just play out something like this:

"Oh crikey, Martha Stewart just burst into flames on the sidewalk!" <sound of screeching tires>

"Dad, why are we pulling over?"

"Grab the kit from the back of the car kids! Quickly!"

"Daddy, what's the wierd smell?"

"Shut up and roast your marsmallows! I'm making S'mores, baby!!"

On topic, although it's off topic, a lot of those herbal vitamins will do that to you. There's nothing quite like a big green cloud of belched gasses to solidify your spot as having the worst breath in the room, eh?

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