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Got My New Headunit In :)


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now just don't rear end someone watching a movie like i almost do everyday :)

i'm looking into getting a screen into my passenger side headrest. thinking about a 5.6" screen. But then again, i'd rather spend the money on something else <_<

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well, retail is 2200, cheapest on ebay is around 14-1500 new after shipping and all that...

i got it basically for free, or rather, free after I sell my old alpine headunit ;) it helps to be in the buisness hee hee...k i wont gloat any more. :rolleyes:

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Hook a brother up yo!

I could go for one of those. My Alpine screen is great, and the player is good, in terms of quality, but the only thing is that it don'es tplay CD-R or DVD-R.....so nothing burnt :angry:

Stupid Alpine for making an expensive DVD player that doesn't play anything burnt...

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