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Got My New Headunit In :)


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well, this really was a freak incident, why someone out there is uh...peculiar enough to trade me this unit for a normal headunit and a little bit of labor is beyond me hehe, but what ever ;)

while i have a lot of respect for alpine's headunits (great sound quality), i am in general not too keen on their lack of features, their somewhat problematic relaiblity on their high end units, and as for their video units, I think model for model compared to say pioneer or panasonic, they are a bit over priced for what you get. this is after having isntalled about a dozen alpines tv headunits for people over the years...


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Well I'm cool as hell cuz I have Will's old Sony flip face bling bling Sony SO WUT NOW???????

hahah yeah man that radio was pimp. I miss the whiteness oh the blackout face

And bing, you're right on the money on the Alpine stuff. My player only plays real stuff, nothing burnt, and the screen has no visualizations when playing music, and the worst part, my MP3 changer fast forward function is so freaking slow!!! its only about twice as fast as normal speed..what... :angry:

but good sound quality..i can't compain about that

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yeah well

my sony headunit doesnt even play CD's, it just spits them back out at me and goes "HA! F@CK YOU!". My changer will play burned stuff but not mp3 cd's, I have to burn it as an audio CD, its the suck. Visualisation isnt bad on it at all though, and it does look pimp...

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yeah well

my sony headunit doesnt even play CD's, it just spits them back out at me and goes "HA! F@CK YOU!". My changer will play burned stuff but not mp3 cd's, I have to burn it as an audio CD, its the suck. Visualisation isnt bad on it at all though, and it does look pimp...

?? the cd change i sold u isn't a mp3 changer man..but i have no idea what the head unit doesn't play cd..maybe it needs one of those cleaner cd's to clean it out....

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?? the cd change i sold u isn't a mp3 changer man..but i have no idea what the head unit doesn't play cd..maybe it needs one of those cleaner cd's to clean it out....

haha yeah i know it doesn't, wasn't blaming you for that, its cuz I bought old technology is why that is. it will play a burned cd though if you burn it right.....got to burn it so its read as an audio CD not an MP3 CD.

I think I need to pop the deck open, I think somethign is outta place or caught somewhere inside of it, maybe in shipping they jolted it or something, but ever since I got it to work it would take in the CD then pop it right out and say ERROR or osmething like that.... I haven't had time to fool with it though and with the changer it hardly bothers me enough to screw with it...

hope you don't think im blaming you for any of it or pissed or anything, i'm just stating....i'm pretty indifferent about it, i find it kinda funny though.


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My next thing is going to be either a music keg, or an IPOD, probably the ipod, I'm getting the IP-bus rca outs ( for pioneer) then i will hook my ipod up(when I get it), that way no more cd's and enough storage for all my music WOOOOOHOOOOO.

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