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I Got Blocked!


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Thats funny. I was telling Charlie yesterday that I thought you were boycotting volvospeed or something. As far as your warning level going down I thought that it should go back to 0%... But I dont know what will happen with that. The cool news is that you are the first member to get banned (i believe). You should put it in your sig.

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Thats funny. I was telling Charlie yesterday that I thought you were boycotting volvospeed or something. As far as your warning level going down I thought that it should go back to 0%...  But I dont know what will happen with that. The cool news is that you are the first member to get banned (i believe). You should put it in your sig.

Thought he got suspended, not banned.

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Guest DougK

hell if I know :huh:

Seriously, I'd like to know too. I really like Noah, I've never (not that I read all his posts) have had ANY issues with him. Unlike some members, Noah doesn't go off spouting stuff and thinks he's right ;)

Thats the perfect member. Someone who's here to learn

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Someone who's here to learn

It's pretty much all I'm tryna' do, I don't know how much I've been one of the more positive people here, besides 95% of the time...

But basically for some strange reason Kendall and Legend have a obsession with warning me, they're just doing their job, very well at that :huh: ...But then one tells me it's just the internet it's not a big deal, when that person (Someone I don't care/know about, or have even talked to) is the one holding some strange paranormal personal grudge against me for whatever reason...But as long as it's rightfully justified (HA) it's fine, I just sit back and look at the fact that that person has 91% total posts in off topic. (Warn me for saying something besides that, that's just fact, can't get mad at that <_< )

And Legend, well...Go figure :lol: . He doesn't understand the pure fact he's lied repeated amount of times, and no matter how much I tell him about the time he had his magical EA 285+hp when he first came around, and when every single last person tried to get him to come clean or just flat out flamed him about it, I stuck behind him holding whatever faith I mustered up in a grown "man", that he wouldn't resort to pitiful lieing and that indeed his magical mods and power were real...Yet, it's wrong for me to have no respect for the fool, who pretty much made me look like a jack jerk right by his side by sticking up for him? Riiiiiight

That's all old news however

But whatever, please have me suspended again (For no reason), I'll be in Panama City for the week (So close to Kendall, yay :blink: ), I'll hate missing out on all the excitement of seeing my oh so horrid offensive rude posts being warned :rolleyes:

Have a good week all, haha, seriously...

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I just was, from last Sunday to today (Saturday)

I went to Club La Vela, first teen club I've ever been to, oh my GOD so many fine girls, hooked up with one, the beaches there suck but it was just a really chill time for me, anytime I'm at a beach it's kool...

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I just was, from last Sunday to today (Saturday)

I went to Club La Vela, first teen club I've ever been to, oh my GOD so many fine girls, hooked up with one, the beaches there suck but it was just a really chill time for me, anytime I'm at a beach it's kool...

lol..."teen club."

Were there parent chaperones walking around with measuring sticks? :P

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