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Usaspec Vs Blitzsafe Vs Cd-player


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I'm happy with the sound quality of my SC-901, especially after adjusting the built in custom equalizer <_<

Now I want to add a line-in device to it and I found this to solutions, one from USASpec and the another from Blitzsafe.

Do you, people who have already try this solutions, know if the sound quality of this thins connected to th :angry: e audio jack of a Ipod for example is the same as the same music played in the CD-player of the radio?

Do the Surround capability of the SC-901 still works good like on a cd?

Thanks in advance :)

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I'm happy with the sound quality of my SC-901, especially after adjusting the built in custom equalizer <_<

Now I want to add a line-in device to it and I found this to solutions, one from USASpec and the another from Blitzsafe.

Do you, people who have already try this solutions, know if the sound quality of this thins connected to th :angry: e audio jack of a Ipod for example is the same as the same music played in the CD-player of the radio?

Do the Surround capability of the SC-901 still works good like on a cd?

Thanks in advance :)

The 6 disc CD changer input is just a good old analog, left/right input.

Anything that you plug into the iPod adapter will sound as good as the changer.

The tricky part is that the HU needs to see little digital messages from

the 6 disc so that it knows that the thing is even there.

The USA and the Blitzsafe just fool the HU into thinking that the Changer is

plugged in so the HU will let you use that input. It also converts the function commands

from the HU into something that the iPod can deal with. The audio is just preamp level.

You should be good to go ! Just read up on all the features of each one.

There are some differences. Make sure before you spend money.

Now ya just need some bottom end...

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I would not buy the Ipod one because I want to be able to connect other devices to it like a PDA for instance.

I'll see wich one is better for me, need to read the features of each one.

But the sound quality on bouth are equal right?

What are the best store tu buy it?

Found this one:







Is it possible to get them in an European Store?

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I have the BlitzSafe Ipod adapter kit. It hooks up to your existing CD Changer spot on the back of the HU.

The sound quality is great. Perfect

The only downfall is that you can't switch to a different song using the stock controls. You have to use the Ipod controls.

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if one does have better sound quality, i'm pretty sure you wouldn't notice it. the factory system is only going to sound so good, and i'd worry a lot more about the quality of the sound files you'll be playing. a normal mp3 will not sound like the cd, though quality mp3s will make this harder to notice.


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