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I Think You Guys Will Like This


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This was the original SRT-4 promotion that they showed at the SEMA show, Detroit and Chicago auto shows way back when the SRT-4 was released. I find it hysterical... it's a piss poor commercial/promo but i think it sums up the average SRT-4 owner correctly... complete douches. Looking closely and listening the SRT-4 was upgraded with at minimum the Mopar/Borla Exhaust, Mopar Rice Blue Plate (makes a BOV-like sound but is still keeping the CBV functional). I think you will get a laugh out of it just as much as i did.


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Haha yeah. Talk about advocating irresponsibility... and if that BOV sound is real, that's the slowest-spinning-down turbo I ever heard in my life ;)

it's merely a CNC machined plate that creates the imitation sound, it's mounted between the turbo and the CBV... waste of money if you ask me... it goes off anywhere above 10 vacuum. if i had a little brother who stole my car for a joyride/race/date... i'd start keeping my keys on me and install a dead switch under the dash just in case he got a hold of my keys.

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I love how the Subaru and the SRT are on different sides of a double yellow line. WTF.

The Subaru was more legal, the SRT-4 was in oncoming lanes... Very dangerous/illegal :rolleyes:

SRT-4's aren't horrible in my mind, but they have some weird characteristics. If you sit and hold the revs at 2500, you can listen to the car backfire WHILE on the throttle. Must be their genius "BOV" plate in action freaking the car out.

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