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2008 Election


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it won't be a republican, that's guaranteed.


Don't count on it. Your party has a really piss poor method of targeting and attempting to swing key districts / regions. They think if they just blanket an area with enough money for adds and pamphlets that they will get the results they want. Guess what, it doesn't really work too well! The republicans on the other hand are fairly adept at swinging key districts. I think they'll also run a good candidate (Mccain). Guaranteed democrat victory? Far from it. Clinton or Obama as the democratic candidate...Guaranteed loss. This country is not ready for a woman, or a black man. I'll also guarentee we will see our first black president before we see a woman.

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This is the reason that Powell hasn't ran. His wife won't let him for fear of an assasination attempt. It is probably true, which is too bad because he would be the best bet for the first black President.


I think he would be a good candidate. Anybody who would not engage war on mislead information or bringing U.S further down the national debt and solve real issues (healthcare, education, economic, employment)

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...don't forget that republicans have the best smear machine in the world...

Which is what? The main stream media? No, wait- they're neutral. Hillary talking like a "southun belle" to the crowd in Selma, IL over the weekend? Nah, that's not news. Now Coulter using "faggot"- THAT'S NEWS!

Gimme a break. Sure Republicans/Conservatives have a piece of talk radio but that's it.

MSM continues to stroke the public under the guise of impartiality all the while being very selective of what is news and what isn't. I mean look at them bury the Hillary thing. She's DEAD but they won't admit it and they circle the wagons.

I'd call that a helluva machine right there.

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I don't think you can discount that the republican party, rather the right, has a stronger smear campaign and stronger media control. WAIT THE LIBERAL MEDIA AHHHHHHHHH, haha lol ok whatever.

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