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R Beating Z-28


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The kid in the Z-28 was a tool on top of that. After we passed the finish line he stayed in the gas. I was more than willing to go with it. I know that I can stay full throttle to the timing tower and still stop before the sand trap. Turbo for the win, 13” Brembos for the humiliation. –mk


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Looks like you had him by a good 1.5 to 2 car lengths at the end, nicely done B)
Yeah, Saturdays dragging gave much better results then Sundays AutoX-ing. I have video of that also,but luckily it is just a little too big to YouTube. I got four tries. I finally kept it on course the last time, with a very respectable time. But, my course reading skills must be honed. –mk
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was the lt1 stock???? good run though
From how it sounded I would think the Z-28 had non-stock mufflers.

I just got the results of Sunday’s competition.

Apparently the group of people before and after us weren’t in our class. We were running together because we were two driver cars. I actually finished 2nd of five in class.


Notice the times of the Corvettes. What’s up with that? I know the course was tight, but I would have expected better

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you beat an evo from a launch?

edit: didn't realize it was a V70R

It is a car driver complex. That Evo driver didn't get the launch sequence down just right.

Sorry you didn't recognize it was an R sooner. I thought the subject title of “R Beating Z-28” & the videos title “Volvo V70-R Beating Z28” would have given it away, but I will try harder next time to have more truth in advertising. -mk

“Hmm... There was a video, but its not on YouTube anymore.”


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