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thought this was really funny. how many of you guys relate?

BWUAAAAHAHAHAHA HELL YEA! that's f'n hilarious!

i relate. my parents took me to a child psychiatrist because i refused to talk. the psychiatrist left me alone with legos and i made a ship and car. the shrink spent a couple visits with me at her office and our house in NH. she felt i was fully developed mentally and seeing how i could talk but only talked when asked a question or needed something that i was extremely introverted yet focused in what ever i did. she also pointed out i was lazy as monkey and took a lot of shortcuts.

damn she had me pinpointed from age 2. i still barely talk unless talked to first, but i do go out and have fun, but i'm still an introvert - being around people drains me but i still love hangin out etc (i.e. extrovert being invigorated by being around people, and introverts being the exact opposite - feeling drained when being around people).

even today i was ripping stuff apart in a multi-meter to figure out why my 20v scale was reading on a 2v scale... f'in stint resistors got screwed up and wouldn't switch on the board. damn electric engineers making poor quality materials.


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:lol: i used to take everything apart, the problem is i would get bored and it would stay in pieces all over the place

another sign of an engineer - getting bored after you figure out, drop what you're doing and move onto the next thing. i'm gonna end up as some old retired hoggie in arizona with a tool shed the size of my house.

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LOL, I used to take apart my toys too. No wonder my parents refused to buy me expensive toys when I was younger. They say my toys never lasted a week before I would dismantle them.

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LOL, I used to take apart my toys too. No wonder my parents refused to buy me expensive toys when I was younger. They say my toys never lasted a week before I would dismantle them.

my saturday mornings consisted of cartoons disassembling and sorting components from TVs and electronic marvels we would acquire at the dump, and cinnamon toast.

once i had a sufficient pile of caps, resistors, and stuff i built a electronic music synthesizer based on PAIA designs.

in some indefinable way life has gone downhill from then... things just aren't as remarkable as they once were. well, ok 5 years ago i went to an Orbital concert with Crystal Method - it was a far cry from the folky festivals my wife would drag me too. wish i still played in a band.

aldebaran - btw you headed for the golden triangle in NC?

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Young Dilbert showed signs of Hyperreflexia in that video, I would be suspicious of a spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Aka Lou gehrig's disease.

When the Doctor check's for reflexes he or she is actually checking your entire spinal cord to see if it is talking to the brain.

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Young Dilbert showed signs of Hyperreflexia in that video, I would be suspicious of a spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Aka Lou gehrig's disease.

When the Doctor check's for reflexes he or she is actually checking your entire spinal cord to see if it is talking to the brain.

please in engineer-speak. use the KISS method unless otherwise necessary. i'm not a biomechanica/biomedical engineer... DUMB IT DOWN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so basically his leg has a big angular velocity and acceleration during muscle reflexes which lead you to believe the he has some sort of problem? screw all that noise... speed FTMFW.

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