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Speeding Ticket


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in street law we were talking to a police officer and they said that if u say a certain word "nolo-contende [spl]" that it means that u accept your punishment and agree that you were speeding...all that you will have to do is pay the ticket and you wont get any points on ur license nor will your insurance know about this incident

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in street law we were talking to a police officer and they said that if u say a certain word "nolo-contende [spl]" that it means that u accept your punishment and agree that you were speeding...all that you will have to do is pay the ticket and you wont get any points on ur license nor will your insurance know about this incident

what are you taking about? maybe i dont know of the strange laws down there but it sorta sounds to me like the word "GUILTY"? next time i murder someone maybe i wont serve jail time and just pay the civil suit and no one will find out.

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You were speeding, you didn't have insurance, you screwed up. Sucks to be pulled over for only doing 11 over but that's the risk you took when you went over. You made the decision to go over the speed limit, doesn't matter how much over, doesn't matter if everyone else was doing it to, you went over, you got caught... pay the price for your bad judgment.

I usually drive 5 over, unless I'm on the interstate, then I have a hard time keeping it at 10 over - Mmm Cruise control and Ds... keeps me innocent.

I would assume that its because youve been eating too many mushrooms, but thats just speculation.

Teeheehee. :lol:

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I usually drive 5 over, unless I'm on the interstate, then I have a hard time keeping it at 10 over - Mmm Cruise control and Ds... keeps me innocent.

Teeheehee. :lol:

On the highway, I drive exactly at the speed limit and drive on the slow lane! LOL

I love cruise control.

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On the highway, I drive exactly at the speed limit and drive on the slow lane! LOL

I love cruise control.

you get rearended in you drive the speed limit in the slow lane here. and you can't go more than 15 mph over the speed limit in the passing lane. basically all lanes go the same speed and people only switch lanes to pass, either on the left or the right.

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If the cop told you that the radar had not been calibrated, take that to court. It should be good for a walk.

To the best of your knowledge, you were not speeding. Your eyes were on the road and the traffic, not the speedo, so you can't be sure, exactly.

Dress nice, say yes sir and no sir.

This ought to get you if not a complete walk, at least a supervision or whatever they call it in your state.

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95 in a 55

87 in a 55

45 in a 25

83 in a 55

41 in a 25

that was 4 years ago in my VW...in about 3 years of ownership.

gotta pay to play.

You can also get a lawyer....here they chareg around 100-150, show up as many times as needed, and usually wave the fine (or its minimal). At least you dont get the points on your license, and your insurance will not increase as much. Also depends on your previous record....if the judge sees you were a speeder...bad news.

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if I post more, will you spank again? :)


Rod, you need to get an aircooled, won't ever have that problem again until you build the engine!

My father was with the aircooled when he first moved to the U.S. He somehow figured out how to put 1800cc (?) heads on a 1300cc beetle. :huh: broken cranks were a monthly occurence, i think , because of the early bolting design/pattern...not really too sure.

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You can ask for a deferred adjucation (SP?). (Probation given on request from a defendant.) What that entails is you ask to be placed on probation for a given amount of time. That way you can keep the point off your record and if you do not commint any offenses with in that time they will drop the ticket. They do this in Texas. Usually 30 to 60 days.

You can subpoena the radar guns calibration records and the amount of tickes issued in that cops jurisdiction. There is a time limit on how long the county/city has to get you this information, if they miss the statute of limitation they will have to dismiss the ticket. There is a limit to how many tickets cops can write or risk getting nailed for speed trap violations. This I believe is countrywide. Also, the Supreme Court decided that police cars needed to be easily identified as such to be able to pull some one over for infractions or moving violations. 1996. I just wish I had the information on hand to provide for proof.

Hire an atty and they will get your ticket dismissed, just because the calibration on the gun was not performed. You may have to file SR22 because you couldn't prove insurance. (You can get insurance cheap and put the info on the back of the ticket when you send it in too)

This is what you need to follow. But it doesn't matter if you didn't have insurance coverage for the time the ticket was written.

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Supreme Court decided that police cars needed to be easily identified as such to be able to pull some one over for infractions or moving violations. 1996. I just wish I had the information on hand to provide for proof.

Pretty sure the car had a light bar ;)

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