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Speeding Ticket


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Attention everyone: MN doesnt have a point system!

Best advice I can give you is to ask to speak with the prosecutor at court and work out a deal where you get probation for probably a year and it doesn't get put on your record. I did that a few years ago without my insurance going up. I don't know which courthouse you have to go to, but at the Dakota County one, most people were really nice and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

Good luck!

Wish we had something like ticketassassin.com :(

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Attention everyone: MN doesnt have a point system!

Best advice I can give you is to ask to speak with the prosecutor at court and work out a deal where you get probation for probably a year and it doesn't get put on your record. I did that a few years ago without my insurance going up. I don't know which courthouse you have to go to, but at the Dakota County one, most people were really nice and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

Good luck!

Wish we had something like ticketassassin.com :(

My court date is Friday, what exactly are teh boundaries of probation? I've also heard of a 30 grace period for insurance, is this true?

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My court date is Friday, what exactly are teh boundaries of probation? I've also heard of a 30 grace period for insurance, is this true?

Pretty much "don't get any more moving violations for 6 months or 1 year and it won't be recorded on your record (which means your insurance company won't find out about it)"

Not sure what you mean by "grace period."

Hope I helped.. good luck!!

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Lawyer UP.. Mine is good... have had about 14 various citations and the only two on my record are the two i chose to handle myself.............But if you haven't had a ticket before ask for a deferral from the judge when you go.... then if he says no ask for a continuance then you'll have another few months to come up with the $$$$ for the lawyer.... Mine is $350 for speeding and similar traffic violations per ticket. Considering i wouldn't have a license and would have to have SR22 insurace i think it's been a good deal, just don't get that RACING ticket... whew those are a B*tch.

Edited by c70turbo5
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