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I Feel Like An Idiot


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So at long last I finally went out and bought some plastidip for my grille. They didn't have the spray like I wanted, so I opted for the actual dip stuff and figured I'd brush it on. Bad idea. It looks all right from a distance, but up close it looks HORRIBLE. Is there any way I can take this stuff off?

Oh and on a happier note; as I was returning from Lowes all the way across town (because I had to find out after 30 minutes of searching and asking every idiot in Home Depot that plastdip was "discontinued") I decided I'd stop and check out the Volvo dealership. And what did I find? A bunch of really nice cars. But hiding in the back of the lot.... a 1995 yellow 850 T-5R with the Volvo Motorsports badge still on. I mean, this car was EMACULATE. I have never seen a nicer car in my life. Anyway, that about made my week, just thought I'd share.

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Yeah, sand that down and hit it with a stripper. Not too much, though - you don't want to eat the real plastic!

You can find used or new grills for the 850 all over the place.

Just buy another one and start over...

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