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York, Pa Open House/gtg, 3/24/07 Lehman Volvo

95 T5R

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i know we should respect how you feel about something, but.... you live probally no more then 10 minutes from this place. i don't undmersatand hw you cannot go. you said your not busy, so come down man. Unless your afraid of someone confronting you, which i ddoubt anyone will do. I wantt osee your car, along with alot of other people. come on down, and chill and have a good time. come on man, act your age.

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And T5-Bandit will be making yet another remark about me.

Lets see what nonsense he posts this time.

Why are you even mentioning him in this thread?

I don't have to comment....you seem to make yourself look like an immature, attention-craved asshole all on your own. :monkey:

Why are you even posting in this thread? Out, now, unless you are planning on driving to PA for that weekend and attending the meet.

come on this isnt the place to be doing this guys...if your not going to talk about the meet then dont say anything

He is very right, and in fact there isn't any place on the forums right now for you two to be doing this. If you have a problem with each other why don't you either keep it to yourself, use the ignore feature, or talk about it in PMs? Those are your options. As much as we all love to break out the popcorn and watch people go at it you've taken it somewhere it isn't supposed to go and it's time for it to stop now. Besides, no one cares what either of you have to say about each other. Say good bye to your posts and good bye to this conversation and don't start it again.

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He is very right, and in fact there isn't any place on the forums right now for you two to be doing this. If you have a problem with each other why don't you either keep it to yourself, use the ignore feature, or talk about it in PMs? Those are your options. As much as we all love to break out the popcorn and watch people go at it you've taken it somewhere it isn't supposed to go and it's time for it to stop now. Besides, no one cares what either of you have to say about each other. Say good bye to your posts and good bye to this conversation and don't start it again.

:claps: you da man!

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Why are you even posting in this thread? Out, now, unless you are planning on driving to PA for that weekend and attending the meet.

Why? Because he brought up my name up and I have every right to respond. I also have every right roam and post in any thread I feel, regardless of the topic. No need to get so serious, it's the internet, relax a little. :P

In all seriousness, I was just roaming through threads and saw he mentioned my name. I had no intention of ever posting in the thread, Rob chose to drag it out and after my 2nd post I stopped. So if anyone was really truly offended, then I apologize. :D

He is very right, and in fact there isn't any place on the forums right now for you two to be doing this. If you have a problem with each other why don't you either keep it to yourself, use the ignore feature, or talk about it in PMs? Those are your options. As much as we all love to break out the popcorn and watch people go at it you've taken it somewhere it isn't supposed to go and it's time for it to stop now. Besides, no one cares what either of you have to say about each other. Say good bye to your posts and good bye to this conversation and don't start it again.

I could say more, but my reply above covers this as well.

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