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Grocery Carts!


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park far far away from anyone. there is always that one person with a nice car parked in no mans land. Park out thier just not next to them.. 1 spot down and opposite side. Just stay away from any chances. My car is soo f-ed up from somebody. I need to have (on the drivers side) front bumper, both doors repainted, rear fender and rear bumper. Some kid I race for track was talking stuff...ya talking stuff in track, and I absolutely owned him in both of our races at states. he and his buddies decided to take a cement building block and run it from the front of my car to the back. Coulnt prove it, cops didnt give a fck.. probally about 2k in damage

wow, thats so damn immature. rivals FTL

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park far far away from anyone. there is always that one person with a nice car parked in no mans land. Park out thier just not next to them.. 1 spot down and opposite side. Just stay away from any chances. My car is soo f-ed up from somebody. I need to have (on the drivers side) front bumper, both doors repainted, rear fender and rear bumper. Some kid I race for track was talking stuff...ya talking stuff in track, and I absolutely owned him in both of our races at states. he and his buddies decided to take a cement building block and run it from the front of my car to the back. Coulnt prove it, cops didnt give a fck.. probally about 2k in damage

just hearing about that makes me soo mad! someone needs to put those kids in the hospital

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after he threw a big snowball "iceball" at my door panel a few days ago, i went off on my roomate about it, to which he replied "come on man, its just your moms old car."

Me: "No you idiot, I searched for that car (yes, some people actually like volvos), and it certainly wasnt a handout from my parents, I worked in the oilfields for 4 months to buy that car and paid for every penny of it!"

sounds like something i was told once:

we were dickin around in a parking lot (in my friends GTI) just revving his engine to make his BOV go off and honking the horn as people would walk in front of us to watch their reactions. one guy got real pissed so we took off, he followed us all the way to his house and started bitching us out...he turns around and see the wagon sitting in the driveway all innocent and good looking and started chucking dirt and random objects he could find saying that he was going to "ruin my mom's car and watch me get grounded"

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I park far away from the store for this very reason... Who cares if you have to walk more (yes, coming from me), definately better as not everybody is too lazy and won't park near you :lol:

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whenever i go to the target, i park on the side of the building. nobody parks over there. plus, the back of the parking lot is at the bottom of a huge slope...so once carts start rolling, they keep going.

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I actually try to park next to super nice cars. I doubt anyone with a very nice car will want to damage their own car as well.

I've found that even then they dont seem to care. When i lived in atlanta i saw soccer moms get into every kind of nice car, and they never failed to rest their door open on the car next to them while they put the groceries or kids in the car. From my experience, park next to cars that look recently washed and in very good condition, or if you can find one, a modified car or car with rims. they tend to belong to guys like us who care about their cars (even if its a POS civic)

edit: the best is still to park way out in the parking lot, away from everything

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