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Ported Or Sealed With The New Subs


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Well, I got a new pair of subs, Infinity Kappa Perfect 10"s.

Box recommendations are either .6cu ft sealed or 1.0cu ft ported with 3.0" by 10.4" long port (I'm guessing I'd do the port out of the top of the box and passing by the side of the sub). I'm going to make two custom f-glass enclosures for either side of the trunk located behind the wheel wells. My debate is, do I go sealed or ported?

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there are pros and cons to both, this is assuming the sub is equally well suited to both types of enclosures, these are generic pros and cons, some subs may not follow this


pros: easier to build, more power handling usually, smaller enclosure, deeper sub sonic extension

cons: inefficient


pros: more effienct (get louder with same power), a hike in Dbs around the port tuning frequency

cons: larger, harder to build (you have to build or make a port), rapid drop off below port tuning freq.

basically, ported gets louder, while sealed goes a little deeper...

as for sound quality, some prefer sealed, some prefer ported, i say its all based on personal preference and the quality of hte install...


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some things to consider:

1) Ported is louder, but only near the tuned frequency. this means it may be quiet at 80 hz, but could be extremely loud at 56 hz. Below the tuned frequency, you kill your sub, so it's important to have an amp with a sub-sonic-filter. That is why ported boxes are better for SPL (get louder) but because the level is not consistant throughout the frequency range, it's not ideal for SQ.

2) Response in a sealed enclosure is almost always better.

If you want anything but SPL, then go sealed. My $0.02.

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